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Pat Homberg Executive Director Office of Special Programs OSPDataOSPTargetedPrograms OSPMonitoring OSPFiscal OSP Communi- cations OSP Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Pat Homberg Executive Director Office of Special Programs OSPDataOSPTargetedPrograms OSPMonitoring OSPFiscal OSP Communi- cations OSP Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pat Homberg Executive Director Office of Special Programs OSPDataOSPTargetedPrograms OSPMonitoring OSPFiscal OSP Communi- cations OSP Professional Development OSP Program Improvement OSPAccountability

2 Allen Sexton Coordinator Office of Special Programs Nathaniel Hixson Assistant Director Office of Research Ellen Oderman Coordinator Office of Special Programs MonitoringProfessional Development GSEG Professional Development Instructional Technology Professional Development

3 What’s Available and What it Means

4 Two Accountability Assessments for WV WESTEST 2 APTA Each has two high level outputs Scale Scores Proficiency Levels

5 Scale Scores Weighted scores assigned for each content area Derived by CTB/McGraw Hill, Require complex population based statistics to calculate. Cannot Compare One Test to Another 2004200520062007200820092010 WESTESTWESTEST 2

6 Vertical Scales 5th 6th 43 0 83 0 47 7 84 0



9 The IRRR The Individual Right Response Report (IRRR) provides information about which items a student answered correctly and incorrectly on WESTEST 2. It also provides information about how those items map back to the CSOs and also contains each student’s writing scores for WESTEST 2 Online Writing.



12 What about APTA? APTA has an IRRR as well. Teacher must request IRRR form and student answer sheet. Teacher completes the IRRR form. Training is available on this process.


14 TestMate Clarity TestMate Clarity has many very useful reports for you to use in analyzing student data. One is the Student Item Report, which is essentially the same information from the IRRR. Another is the Group Item Report which gives snapshots of schools, classrooms, etc.



17 More Information Technical information about WESTEST 2 and/or APTA Juan D’Brot, Executive Director: TestMate Clarity Jason Perdue, Online Assessment Coordinator: IRRR for APTA Students Melissa Gholson, APTA Coordinator: This Presentation Nate Hixson, Assistant Director:

18 SOARR with Data S S -ubstantiate O O -rganize A A -nalyze R R -ecord R R -espond

19 S Substantiate with Data The most recent IEP should serve as the primary resource  Previous Annual Review IEP lists support for Reading in English, Science, Social Studies and Math  Direct Services provided: 1800 mpm RLA / comprehension support 2009 Assessments  IRRR - Novice performance in RLA and Math  Acuity – Benchmarks 1 &2 - Low RLA and Math  LANGUAGE! – 421 Lexile (4 th GE)  West Virginia Writes – Readability 3.5 GE

20 Before drafting the Present Level statement; Consider the commonalities across the areas of need Arrange the narrative content to complement the data Prioritize the areas of need that can have the most significant impact. O Organize the Data

21 Identify grade level expectations Determine what concepts or CSOs were most commonly incorrect among “this” students peers Highlight areas of discrepancy Compare the discrepancies against “this” students previous educational goals Consider new areas of need A Analyze the Data

22 Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance should incorporate; Substantiated, Organized and Analyzed data in order to provide a solid basis for annual goals. R Record the Data

23 R Respond to the Data The IEP team should; Determine if the previous annual goals remain appropriate given the data Consider each area discussed in the present level Develop new or revised annual goals that reflect the present level language

24 In the world of assessment… HAVE NOT HAVE DIRECT BELIEF

25 Assessment FOR Learning HOW TO… 1. Student friendly targets from the beginning 2. Models of strong and weak work 3. Continuous descriptive feedback 4. Teach self-assessment and goal setting 5. Teach one facet at a time 6. Teach focused revision 7. Teach self-reflection to track growth - Rick Stiggins


27 Assessment is… …part of the learning process, not just a means of documenting or judging the learning.

28 “ The concept of Assessment AS Learning allows teachers to use their judgment about children’s understanding to inform the teaching process and to determine what to do for individual children.” - Lorna Earl in a book endorsed by Thomas Guskey and Robert Marzano

29 Finding Evidence of Learning I know learning is happening when…


31 eb/mentalmaths/protractor.html Inside/Outside??? – Right/Left???

32 Summary of Featured Student’s RLA Performance Westest gains noted in all subjects between 2007 and 2008 Gains noted in Lexiles level during 2010 Gains noted in Acuity Reading Assessment from January 2010 to April 2010 Grades higher in Reading (80) than in SS (60) and Science (60) 2010 - Stanford-Binet Intelligence showed nonverbal IQ @ 103 and verbal IQ @ 90 2009 – Woodcock Johnson III Achievement Test Basic Reading = 88 Reading Comprehension = 79 Oral Expression = 94 Stronger performance when materials are read aloud Recall of details stronger than performance making complex or abstract predictions

33 What if??? One-on-one Small group

34 Kathy Hudnall Office of Special Programs Professional Development Complaints

35 Presentation will be available during the conference

36 Break 15 Minutes GOGO

37 Suzanne Viski Taylor County, Director Special Education Compliance Special Education Programs


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