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© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 1 Diet problems.

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Presentation on theme: "© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 1 Diet problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 1 Diet problems

2 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body What you will learn about in this topic: 1.Being overweight 2.Being overfat 3.Being obese 4.Problems associated with obesity 5.Problems associated with being underweight Diet problems 2

3 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 3 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to: Understand the difference between overweight, overfat and obesity Describe the problems associated with obesity and being underweight Explain how under- or over-eating can affect sports performance

4 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Degrees of being overweight There are different categories of being overweight: Diet problems 4 Overweight Overfat Obese

5 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body An overweight person can be said to be heavier than the average person of that gender, height and build. Diet problems 5

6 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 6 The extra weight is not necessarily a threat to the person’s health (sometimes a lot of it is muscle).

7 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Being overfat can have a direct effect on a person’s health. In this category a person will have a high level of fat in comparison with their total body composition. Diet problems 7

8 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 8 Being overfat can lead to obesity- related diseases. Problems may include high blood pressure, strokes, cancer and heart attacks.

9 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body When a person reaches the stage of being obese, they are abnormally fat (more than 20 per cent over the standard weight for their height). Diet problems 9

10 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 10 At this stage the health risks become more dangerous and can include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoarthritis and early mortality.

11 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Being overweight is a common problem in the twenty-first century. Many nations now record more than 20 per cent of their population as clinically obese and well over half the population as overweight. Diet problems 11

12 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body This trend has increased throughout the world as fast food chains reach various areas. In the USA, 66 per cent of the population is overweight, giving America the nickname ‘the fat capital of the world’. Diet problems 12

13 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Underweight To be classed as underweight a person has to be 10 per cent under their optimal weight. Some athletes are naturally underweight, while others succumb to pressures (Over burdened) to be a certain weight to be the best they can be at their chosen sport. Diet problems 13

14 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body There can be serious health problems if a person is underweight: Diet problems 14 Low food intake leads to malnutrition and greater risk of injuries. Insufficient vitamins and minerals will be taken in.

15 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Women have irregular periods or their periods may stop altogether. Some people suffer osteoporosis in later life. Lack of eating leads to an energy drain, which will affect performance. Women have loss of bone mass leading to injury. Diet problems 15

16 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems Poor diet can affect everyone. People put pressure on themselves to look like their role model or popular celebrities. This can sometimes lead to eating disorders. Diet problems 16

17 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Some athletes also do the same in an attempt to reach and maintain a low body weight, ideal for their sport but unnatural for themselves. Athletes may also have a weight category to reach in order to compete with the maximum advantage, such as boxers or horse riders. Diet problems 17

18 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Eating disorders There are two main eating disorders: Diet problems 18 1. Anorexia nervosa 2. Bulimia

19 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Anorexia nervosa An anorexic person does not eat because they see themselves as fat, even when they are not. Their obsessive state of mind forces them to severely reduce their intake of food, which turns into a form of intentional starvation. Diet problems 19

20 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body This condition leads to excessive weight loss. Both men and women can suffer from anorexia. Diet problems 20

21 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Bulimia A person suffering from bulimia will binge eat and then force themselves to vomit. Diet problems 21

22 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Both eating disorders can lead to bouts of depression and many severe medical problems, including kidney and liver damage and even death. Surveys show that 8 per cent of men and 24 per cent of women in general suffer from eating disorders. Diet problems 22

23 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Optimum weight Optimum weight is the most favourable weight for a person. Many factors have a bearing on the optimum weight of a person, including height, gender, bone structure and muscle girth. Diet problems 23

24 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Every athlete has an optimum weight at which they perform at their best. Some athletes can keep to their optimum weight easily, whilst others constantly have to check what they eat. Diet problems 24

25 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Some athletes will appear to be overweight, but this is due to their large muscle girth and the appearance is misleading. Diet problems 25

26 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 26 Sports like boxing and horse racing demand a certain weight restriction, therefore quick weight loss is sometimes vital for them to compete.

27 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body When an athlete needs to make a weight category in a short period of time, it is the fluids in the body that are lost. The consequences of losing weight quickly can be that the body becomes dehydrated and the level of performance is reduced, making the competitor less effective. Diet problems 27

28 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body If a performer is carrying too much weight: It can restrict the flexibility of their joints. It can decrease the speed of movement. They can tire quickly because of the extra effort needed to carry the extra weight. Diet problems 28

29 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Exam question 1. Being overweight is a modern social problem. What are the effects of being overweight on a sports performer? Diet problems 29

30 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 30 What you have learnt in this topic: 1.Being overweight 2.Being overfat 3.Being obese 4.Problems associated with obese 5.Problems associated with being underweight

31 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.1 Physical activity and your healthy mind and body Diet problems 31 Learning objectives You should now be able to: Understand the difference between overweight, overfat and obese Describe the problems associated with obesity and being underweight Explain how under- or over-eating can affect sports performance

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