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Erika A. Parra EE235 4/9/07.  Neuron Terminology  NW-FET & Neurons  Device Fabrication  Results Signal Propagation Signal Blocking Multi-Neurite Structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Erika A. Parra EE235 4/9/07.  Neuron Terminology  NW-FET & Neurons  Device Fabrication  Results Signal Propagation Signal Blocking Multi-Neurite Structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erika A. Parra EE235 4/9/07

2  Neuron Terminology  NW-FET & Neurons  Device Fabrication  Results Signal Propagation Signal Blocking Multi-Neurite Structures  Conclusions

3  Soma – 3 to 18 um  Dendrites – cellular extensions, <1um thick  Axon – cable-like projection, can be >1m, also <1um thick  Axon terminal  IC = intracellular

4 1. Resting State ~ -70mV 2. Depolarization 3. Repolarization Na++ K+ Na+ + + ++ Cell Action Potential Potential outside of cell (by NW) becomes more negative (mirror image) Accumulation of carriers at NW P-type NW conductance enhanced ++

5 1.SiNW (20um) growth via CVD with Au cluster 2.Diborane (B 2 H 6 ) CVD for doping (p-type) 3.Alignment through flow- directed technique 4.Patterned and deposited contacts for source and drain (Ni). Passivated contacts (Si 3 N 4 ) to survive cell culture conditions 5.Patterned 50um squares for cell body and 3um wide lines for axion and dendrite grown. Deposited polylysine for adhesion of and directed growth 6.Cell culturing Yield - 90% OpticalNW ElementNW-Neuron Array

6 Soma stimulation Simultaneous axon and dendrite peak spreading measurement- new Superimposed signals: Peak reduction & temporal spreading in dendrite Measured latency matches previously reported values

7 NW3 Stimulated Peak amplitude decrease at 0.4V Back propagation signal to soma unaffected by increasing potential Axon end signal blocking at 0.9V -Suggests action is localized Propagation speed comparable in both directions through axon

8 axon Spike propagation w/o IC electrode Soma NW-Axon Intracellular 15ms 0.5nA NW4 not connected Biphasic stimuli 500us train width

9  Signal mapping tool with high spatial and temporal resolution (150 devices with 400nm interspacing)  Inhibits or stops signal propagation while mapping signal flow to dendrites and axons  Reproducibility of NW-cell devices for flexible real-time cellular assays for drug discovery and testing – 43 out of 50 working devices over 500um axon  Possible interface for implanted devices

10 Current Methods  Micropipette electrodes Intracellular and extracellular Resolution of 100nm per pipette and 10um between pipettes Difficult to multiplex  FET arrays 10um and larger on edge and 10um between electrodes Size limits neuron analysis – cannot look at individual axons or dendrites

11 Neuron Excitation 500ms step of 0.1nA Temporal correlation Soma initiatedNW-Axon initiated Applied biphasic potential 1) 0.5V (successful 86%) 2) 0.3V (below threshold) 3) 0.5V after TTX (toxin that blocks action potentials)

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