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TRID 2015.  This Loan Submission Guide is for applications taken on or after October 3, 2015. ◦ The purpose of this guide is to assist you with a successful.

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Presentation on theme: "TRID 2015.  This Loan Submission Guide is for applications taken on or after October 3, 2015. ◦ The purpose of this guide is to assist you with a successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRID 2015

2  This Loan Submission Guide is for applications taken on or after October 3, 2015. ◦ The purpose of this guide is to assist you with a successful loan registration. ◦ In effort to remain compliant with the CFPB, all applications must be submitted to BOFI within 24 hours of completion. ◦ Loans submitted more than 24 hours after a complete application is taken will be rejected. 2

3  Getting started  Successful upload and next steps  Submission requirements for BOFI  Brokered//Correspondent  Registering your loan 3

4 1. Go to 2. Click on the “Home Loans” tab and then “Third Party Lending”. 3. Click on the “Wholesale and Correspondent sign in” button. 4. Enter Username and Password. 4

5 5. At the bottom of the page, click on “Upload a Loan”  This may prompt an additional log-in 6. Enter Loan Officer information 7. Choose product 8. Upload your Fannie Mae (FNMA) 3.2 file 9. You will receive the following message: “File upload successful, the new internal loan number is XXXXXX” 5

6 Once you have a successful upload, you will see the loan details screen. To upload required documentation, click on the conditions tab and select the condition which you will be uploading to. 6 Click on the upload button and the condition upload screen will show up. You can browse to find your file and then click “start upload”.

7 BROKERED LOANS:  1003:  Must have all 6 pieces of information required to consider the file an application  Must be dated and signed by the LO within 24 hours of submission  Must have LO and Company NMLS numbers accurately reflected  Must be signed by the borrower(s)  Signed borrower’s authorization  Submission Fee Sheet:  Use BOFI’s Submission Fee Sheet that is available online under the forms tab.  Select the tab for either “Lender” or “Borrower” paid origination on the fee sheet.  Once completed, upload the Fee sheet to the “Submission Fee Sheet” condition.  An email address and phone number is required for ALL borrowers.  We will disclose electronically and all borrowers are required to e-sign their disclosures.  All borrowers on Owner Occupied Refinances must provide their own e-mail address.  Non-borrowing spouses/other consumers on rescindable transactions must receive the initial LE. An email address for each additional consumer must be provided.  Foreign National borrowers must have a US mailing address and phone number. 7

8 CORRESPONDENT LOANS:  1003:  Must be dated and signed by the LO  Must have LO and Company NMLS numbers accurately reflected  Borrower email address and phone number Foreign National borrowers must have US mailing address and phone number  Disclosures:  Must be dated in compliance (within 3 business days) to the 1003  Loan Estimate:  Must be dated in compliance to the 1003  Itemization of fees to match your LE  Impounds are required on all HPML loans  Compliant COC is required for any re-disclosed LE(s)  Need proof of receipt of LE by non-borrowing spouses/other on rescindable transactions.  Can be a read receipt or email acknowledging receipt of LE.  Credit Report:  Must be dated within 90 days 8

9  Once the minimum documentation has been uploaded, select the “Submit My Loan” tab on the right side of the screen.  Enter all information requested under this tab and click on the “Submit Request” button once complete.  Your loan will now be in a registered status.  Intake will review the file and send initial disclosures if information provided is compliant on Wholesale loans. 9

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