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Best Behavior “World Famous” Grissom Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Behavior “World Famous” Grissom Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Behavior “World Famous” Grissom Middle School

2 Are You Ready? Are You Prepared? The “Grissom Greenbacks” are coming!

3 What is Best Behavior? School wide program designed to improve school & classroom discipline. Federal program researched based

4 When does it start? Students need IDs and Agendas. Best Behavior is the expectation and culture at World Famous Grissom.

5 WANTED!!! Grissom “Good Citizens” Bring Agenda Come Prepared Wear Student ID Properly Be On Time

6 Who is involved to support our students? Everyone!!! Teachers Counselors Principals Parents Students Bus Drivers Lunch Moms Cafeteria workers Custodians Secretaries Classroom Aides It starts with our kids!

7 GOALS of BEST BEHAVIOR Academic Achievement Healthy Social Development Safe Environment

8 At school (and at home): Punishment alone is NOT a solution Positive school rules and home rules (We’re a team) Consistent enforcement Verbal praise Clear expectations Rewards lead to self motivation

9 What Works in School and Classroom Discipline? Social skills programs (RIPP) Teaching techniques to improve self- control & impulse control Teaching responsible decision-making (limit setting) Teaching problem solving skills

10 Target All Forms of Behavior


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