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What is School-wide PBIS? Framework for enhancing adoption & implementation of Continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve Academically & behaviorally.

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Presentation on theme: "What is School-wide PBIS? Framework for enhancing adoption & implementation of Continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve Academically & behaviorally."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is School-wide PBIS? Framework for enhancing adoption & implementation of Continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve Academically & behaviorally important outcomes for All students

2  (Close to Home c Reprinted with permission of Universal Press Syndicate. All rights reserved.)

3 Improving classroom & school climate Decreasing reactive management Maximizing academic achievement Improving support for students w/ EBD Integrating academic & behavior initiatives PBIS is about…. Redesign of teaching environments…not students

4 80% 15% 5% Who Benefits from PBIS? Everyone! Intensive individual interventions Targeted small group, short term individual interventions Universal practices ~ in place for 100% of the school population

5 FEW SOME ALL Universal Targeted Intensive Continuum of Support

6 “Most schools noted that decreased referrals for problem behaviors led to increased access to valuable instruction time.” VTPBiS Annual Report Why PBIS?

7 VT MTSS is a coherent continuum of evidence based, system-wide practices that support:  proactive preventative core instruction for all;  a rapid response to academic and behavioral challenges;  frequent data-based monitoring; and  instructional decision-making so that each Vermont student achieves high standards. How does PBIS fit with Vermont Multi-tiered Systems of Support (VT MTSS)?

8 PBIS SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior MTSS Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behavior Smallest effort Evidence-based Biggest, durable effect

9 SStatement of Purpose DDefining behavior expectations TTeaching expected behavior AAcknowledging expected behavior DDiscouraging problem behaviors CCreating procedures for record-keeping and decision making. PBIS at the Universal Level is about..

10 Insert statement of purpose here

11 SStatement of Purpose DDefining behavior expectations TTeaching expected behavior AAcknowledging expected behavior DDiscouraging problem behaviors CCreating procedures for record-keeping and decision making. PBIS at the Universal Level is about..

12 Insert School’s Expectations here:

13 SStatement of Purpose DDefining behavior expectations TTeaching expected behavior AAcknowledging expected behavior DDiscouraging problem behaviors CCreating procedures for record-keeping and decision making. PBIS at the Universal Level is about..

14 Insert your school’s matrix here

15 Insert lesson plans format

16 SStatement of Purpose DDefining behavior expectations TTeaching expected behavior AAcknowledging expected behavior DDiscouraging problem behaviors CCreating procedures for record-keeping and decision making. PBIS at the Universal Level is about..

17 Insert acknowledgement system here

18 SStatement of Purpose DDefining behavior expectations TTeaching expected behavior AAcknowledging expected behavior DDiscouraging problem behaviors CCreating procedures for record-keeping and decision making. PBIS at the Universal Level is about..

19 Insert your school’s procedures and practices for discouraging problem behavior

20 SStatement of Purpose DDefining behavior expectations TTeaching expected behavior AAcknowledging expected behavior DDiscouraging problem behaviors CCreating procedures for record-keeping and decision making. PBIS at the Universal Level is about..

21 Insert your school’s ODR form and other data systems details here

22 Questions and Discussion

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