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OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-1 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-1 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson 12: OO & Prototyping SoftwareEngineeringII.

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Presentation on theme: "OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-1 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-1 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson 12: OO & Prototyping SoftwareEngineeringII."— Presentation transcript:

1 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-1 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-1 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson 12: OO & Prototyping SoftwareEngineeringII

2 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-2 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-2 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson Objectives oLearn when to build a prototype oLearn why prototypes save time/budget oLearn the key factors for building OO prototypes oLearn how to schedule prototype efforts

3 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-3 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-3 Dr. M.E. Fayad D EFINITION O F A P ROTOTYPE

4 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-4 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-4 Dr. M.E. Fayad W HEN T O B UILD A R EQUIREMENTS P ROTOTYPE

5 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-5 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-5 Dr. M.E. Fayad W HEN T O B UILD A D ESIGN P ROTOTYPE Design prototypes generally reduce risk of unknown system performance –Throughput / performance –Memory / storage –I/O bus overloading Special considerations for Object-Oriented Designs –OO “Message” passing creates more overhead –OO usually creates more units, leading to greater memory requirements

6 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-6 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-6 Dr. M.E. Fayad K EY F ACTORS F OR B UILDING OO P ROTOTYPES Develop class/object definitions and interactions - do not concentrate on object behavior Develop classes/objects that interface with the user Minimal functionality for classes/objects not visible to user Watch for potential performance and storage problems

7 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-7 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-7 Dr. M.E. Fayad H OW T O S CHEDULE P ROTOTYPE E FFORTS Prototype efforts should be inserted in regular development schedule Prototypes do not eliminate the need for formal requirements and design

8 OO & Prototyping - Page P3-L12-8 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L12-8 Dr. M.E. Fayad P ROTOTYPING S UMMARY Prototypes can help with class / object definition Prototypes can reduce risk associated with object- oriented designs –Message passing –More (smaller) units Prototypes do not eliminate the need for formal requirements and design

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