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Real-Time Systems Presented by: Stuart D Fowell SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities CCSDS Spring 2008 Meeting, Washington D.C, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-Time Systems Presented by: Stuart D Fowell SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities CCSDS Spring 2008 Meeting, Washington D.C, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-Time Systems Presented by: Stuart D Fowell SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities CCSDS Spring 2008 Meeting, Washington D.C, USA

2 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 2 Overview  SOIS Reference Implementation  Complete SOIS architecture for evaluation & feedback  GenFAS for MARC  SOIS used as basis of Avionics  ASSERT & DisCo  SOIS used as basis of Distributed Computing Middlewares  Future Opportunities  Flights?

3 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 3 SOIS Reference Implementation  SciSys (UK) and Astrium SAS (FR)  Customer: ESA  Jan – Oct 2008  Objectives:  Prototype SOIS architecture over SpaceWire and MIL-STD- 1553B  Investigate SOIS Plug-and-Play architecture on SpaceWire  Deploy on ESA’s RASTA Test Facility for future use  Provide feedback on SOIS Red Books  Provide draft Device Enumeration and Virtualisation Red Books

4 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 4 SOIS Reference Implementation  Application Support Services:  Asynchronous Messaging Service (subset)  Command and Data Acquisition Services  Device Virtualisation Service (first prototype)  Device Data Pooling Service  Device Access Service  Device Enumeration Service (first prototype)  File Services  File Access Service  File Management Service  (File Transfer Service not addressed)  Time Access Service  (Packet Store Service not addressed)

5 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 5 SOIS Reference Implementation  MIL-STD-1553B Subnetwork Services:  Derived from ECSS 1553 Extensions WG  Packet Service (Best Effort & Reserved QoS only)  Memory Access Service  Synchronisation Service (TIME primitives only)  Device Discovery Service  Test Service  SpaceWire Subnetwork Services:  Derived from ECSS SpaceWire WG  Packet Service (Best Effort & Assured QoS only)  Memory Access Service (RMAP)  Synchronisation Service (Simulation of SpaceWire TimeCodes, TIME primitives only)  Device Discovery Service  (Test Service not addressed)

6 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 6 SOIS Reference Implementation  Reference Mission on ESA’s RASTA Test Facility  LEON2 CPU, RTEMS RTOS, ANSI C

7 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 7 MARC – Modular Architecture for Robust Computing  Astrium Ltd (System, UK), SciSys (Software, UK), SEA (Hardware, UK)  Customer: ESA  Oct 2007 – Mid 2009  Objective:  Develop scalable decentralised Avionics and Payload Control based on SpaceWire Network and SOIS  QoS  Real-Time Command distribution using Reserved QoS  Payload Data distribution using Best Effort/Assured QoS  CCSDS Packet distributed between software using AMS and Packet Service  AOCS Transducers accessed and controlled using CDAS and Packet/Memory Access Service  Onboard Time distributed and synchronised includes use of Synchronisation Service (SpaceWire TimeCodes insufficient to be soley used)

8 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 8 MARC – UNIONICS System Architecture Copyright SEA Ltd.

9 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 9 MARC – GenFAS Software Architecture

10 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 10 MARC – Demonstrator Architecture Copyright SEA Ltd.

11 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 11 ASSERT  Many European companies and academic institutes  Customer: EC 50:50 funded under Framework 6  Sept 2004 – Oct 2007  Objective:  Automated proof based System and Software Engineering for Real-Time Applications  Distributed, Dependable, Hard Real-Time Virtual Machine  Middleware, RTOS, Communications  Developed by ENST, UPM, UPD, SciSys and others…  Platforms  Ada 2005, ANSI C, GNAT for LEON2, TSIM LEON2 Simulator, SpaceWire packet tunnelling over UDP/IP  SOIS Prototypes:  Message Transfer Service over SpaceWire Packet Service (Best Effort and Assured QoS)

12 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 12 DisCo - Overview  Astrium SAS (System & Dem SW, FR), SciSys (Middleware SW, UK), consultancy from University of York and LAAS  Customer: ESA  Jan 2005 – Jan 2008  Objective:  Develop Distributed Computing Middleware for Payload Control  Platforms:  SpaceWire  LEON2 (Pender Electronics), DSP (Dundee), PC  ANSI C and RTEMS, VDP and Linux RTOS  SOIS prototypes – shared with GenFAS for MARC  Message Transfer Service, Device Access Service, Device Data Pooling Service, File Services, Time Access Service  SpaceWire Packet (Best Effort and Assured QoS), Memory Access, and Time Distribution Services

13 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 13 DisCo – Software Architecture

14 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 14 DisCo – Demonstrator Architecture Copyright Astrium SAS

15 SciSys SOIS Prototyping Activities - CCSDS Spring 2008 11th March 2008 15 Future Opportunities  Follow-on to SOIS Reference Implementation  Implementation of any missing services  E.g. EVENT.indication of Synchronisation Service  Integration into wider communications scenario simulation, inc. Space Link  Port to CAN?  Fault tolerance?  AOB  ExoMars Rover mission  ESA Aurora Programme mission  Phase B2  SOIS baselined for Rover Avionics by EADS Astrium Ltd

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