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M ETAPHORS. EXAMPLES His face was a blue moon pocked with craters. Her eyes were darting searchlights, scanning the room for her rival. The Ferrari was.

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2 EXAMPLES His face was a blue moon pocked with craters. Her eyes were darting searchlights, scanning the room for her rival. The Ferrari was a personal jet, set to take off before dawn. His teeth were hardened blue cheese nuggets, speckled with green and blue. When he ate, he was a crocodile, opening wide and snapping his jaws suddenly for the kill. Her purse was a soft-sided trash bin, filled to the top with bits of used tissues, crumpled papers, and a half-eaten apple. Her house was a wild circus act, decked out in hot pink and lavender, coated with green dots. She was a walking color wheel, always wearing just about every shade possible, all at once. He was a stainless steel ruler, tall, straight and always measured in response. Her hair was a fierce lion's mane, never washed and sticking out in wild directions. her elderly fingers were thin gnarled branches, twisting oddly from the stem of her palms.

3 INDEPENDENCE DAY http://www.playlis racks#INDEPEND ENCE%20DAY/all /1 Well she seemed all right by dawn’s early light though she looked a little worried and weak she tried to pretend he wasn’t drinkin’ again but daddy left The proof on her cheek and I was only eight years old that summer and I always seemed to be in the way so I took myself down to the fair in town on Independence day Well word gets a round in a small, small town they said he was a dangerous man But mama was proud and she stood her ground she knew she was on the losin’ end Some folks whispered some folks talked but everybody looked the other way and when time ran out there was no one about on Independence Day CHORUS: Let freedom ring, Let the white dove sing Let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning Let the weak be strong, Let the right be wrong Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay, it’s Independence Day Well she lit up the sky that fourth of July by the time the firemen come they just put out the flames and took down some names and sent me to the county home Now I ain’t sayin’ it’s right or it’s wrong but maybe it’s the only way Talk about your revolution It’s Independence Day

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