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Published bySpencer Perkins Modified over 9 years ago
TM ® LinguaFolio A Formative Assessment Tool Documenting Student Growth Collaborative Conference on Student Achievement March 5, 2014
TM ® Welcome Charlotte “Nadja” Trez Title III/ESL Consultant Slater Mapp Arts Education Consultant Ann Marie Gunter World Language Consultant
TM ® Session Handouts Session #101 riculum/conference/
TM ® Group Introductions Take Off & Touch Down
TM ® Agenda Agenda LinguaFolio Overview LinguaFolio Overview Reality vs. Rumor Activity Reality vs. Rumor Activity Implementation in: Implementation in: English as a Second Language (ESL) English as a Second Language (ESL) World Languages World Languages Coming soon – Arts and Social Studies….. Coming soon – Arts and Social Studies….. Educator Showcase Educator Showcase
TM ® LinguaFolio standards-based standards-based self-directed self-directed formative assessment tool formative assessment toolTHAT records ongoing learner progress records ongoing learner progress displays student-selected evidence to validate proficiency self- assessment, and displays student-selected evidence to validate proficiency self- assessment, and provides a comprehensive provides a comprehensive view of student performance
TM ® Update on LF in NC Read the 9 statements and decide if each one is... Reality or Just a rumor!
TM ® Update on LF in NC 1. 1. LinguaFolio® has been available in North Carolina from the time it was first used in the United States, which was the 2005 – 2006 school year.Reality!
TM ® History of LinguaFolio 5-state pilot, 2005-2006 GA, KY, NC, SC, VA National revisions 2007-2009 ESL Checklists from NC 2007 – 2009 Revisions to LinguaFolio Jr. 2010 - Present
TM ®
® Update on LF in NC 2. 2. LinguaFolio® consists of three parts, which are the Biography, the Dossier and the Passport. In the future, the Passport will be renamed the Global Profile because of the new international education laws that went into effect on January 3, 2013. Just a rumor!
TM ® DOSSIER Digital text, audio, and video work samples MP3 files Podcasts BIOGRAPHY Language learning learning background background Can-do* statements statements Learning goals goals PASSPORT Global Profile in e-LF Summarized snap shot of self- assessments Record of external assessments
TM ® LinguaFolio Proficiency-based Nationally and internationally aligned Learner-centeredFREE
TM ® Update on LF in NC 3. 3. All LinguaFolio® documents are available for FREE in Microsoft Word and PDF formats, and the e-LinguaFolio for North Carolina ( is also available at no charge.www.elinguafolio.orgReality!
TM ®
® e-LinguaFolio / / /
TM ® Update on LF in NC 4 4. LinguaFolio® Junior is only available in Nebraska and other Midwestern states because it can withstand tornadoes but not hurricanes or earthquakes. Just a rumor!
TM ® Update on LF in NC 5. 5. Thanks to a partnership with the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center (ARCC) at Edvantia, the LinguaFolio® self-assessment checklists are available in 10 languages other than English: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.Reality!
TM ® Why those 10 LOTE? LOTE=languages other than English NC home language survey results NC home language survey results Program needs Program needs ESL ESL Dual Language/Immersion Dual Language/Immersion Others such as Cherokee, Chinese (Cantonese), Greek, Hawaiian, etc. How soon? Done by whom?
TM ® Update on LF in NC 6. LinguaFolio® is a proficiency-based, formative assessment tool that fits well into a comprehensive balanced assessment system and is aligned to national and state standards, including the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCS) that encompasses the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, the World Language Essential Standards, and the English Language Development Standards.Reality!
Standard Course of Study (SCS) Common Core State Standards English Language Arts * Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Mathematics North Carolina Essential Standards Arts Education *English Language Development *Guidance Healthful Living *Information and Technology Science Social Studies World Languages * Common Core Literacy Standards, English Language Development, Guidance, and Information & Technology Essential Standards are delivered through ALL content areas.
TM ® Update on LF in NC 7. The use of LinguaFolio® in the classroom is one way to demonstrate Standard 9 from the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) because it supports the full participation of male and female students in the language acquisition process. Just a rumor!
NC Standards for Teachers Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate leadership Standard 2: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach Standard 4: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard 5: Teachers reflect on their practice Standard 6: Teachers contribute to academic success.
TM ® Update on LF in NC 8. Teachers can demonstrate progress with NCEES Standards 3, 4 and 5 when they utilize LinguaFolio® to: align their instruction with the NCSCS, make language learning relevant to their students, use the formative assessment process and reflect on or analyze student learning.Reality!
TM ® Update on LF in NC 9. By 2017, every language learner in our state’s public schools will have their own LinguaFolio® which can continue to be used in postsecondary education and the world of work as evidence of a graduate who is multilingual and a knowledgeable global citizen. Just a rumor!
TM ® What’s your LF Reality? 10. Please use this space to fill in your own reality with LinguaFolio® based on the plans you’re making individually, as a school or professional learning community (PLC), or district-wide
TM ® Share Your Ideas for LF!
TM ® Research: LF Nebraska Study Dr. Ali Moeller, University of Nebraska, conducted a 5-year longitudinal study investigating the: Impact of goal setting on student achievement Impact of goal setting on student achievement Role of self-assessment Role of self-assessment Implementation of LF as an assessment tool to promote articulated K-16 language programming Implementation of LF as an assessment tool to promote articulated K-16 language programming
TM ® Set or adjust learning goals Select strategies Provide evidence Self-assess and reflect ReflectiveLearningProcessReflectiveLearningProcess
TM ® Effects on Student Achievement Moeller, 2010 Principles of Assessment for Learning + LinguaFolio ReducedClassSize 4x to 5x >
TM ® Moeller’s Research Results Goal setting is key Goal setting is key Motivation increased Motivation increased Achievement positively affected and increased over time Achievement positively affected and increased over time Teacher training highly important Teacher training highly important
ExPost Facto Study The focus of the study was to determine whether students who experienced LinguaFolio as an intervention in the foreign language classrooms achieved higher academic outcomes as measured by cumulative GPA and ACT scores in math, science, reading, and English in comparison to students who were not exposed to LinguaFolio
ex post facto examination of the relationship between goal setting and academic achievement – in order to identify if the goal setting skill integrated in the foreign language intervention increased student academic achievement – that in turn resulted in the development of the capacity for self-regulated learning
Statistical Procedures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) multivariate regression analysis of variance (ANOVA) simple linear regression
Data SCHOOL ID NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS TYPES OF DATA School 1225 Cumulative GPA, ACT scores (math, science, reading, English) School 2162 School 3231
Results LinguaFolio students performed better on the ACT exam in all 4 sections (math, science, reading, and English); LinguaFolio students had higher cumulative GPA; Increase in the number of years in LinguaFolio resulted in: higher cumulative GPA; better student performance on 4 sections of the ACT exam combined and separately.
School 1 LinguaFolio students performed better in ACT reading, science, and English sections but not in math. The length of LinguaFolio experience resulted in better performance in ACT reading, science, and English sections but not in math. LinguaFolio students had higher GPA. Each additional year of participation in LinguaFolio resulted in higher GPA.
School 2 LinguaFolio students performed significantly better in each section of the ACT exam. The increase in the number of years in LinguaFolio resulted in better students’ performance in each ACT section. LinguaFolio students had higher GPA. Each additional year of participation in LinguaFolio resulted in higher GPA.
School 3 LinguaFolio students performed better in ACT math and English sections, but not in reading and science sections. The length of LinguaFolio experience resulted in better performance in ACT reading, math, and English sections, but not in science. LinguaFolio students had higher GPA. Each additional year of participation in LinguaFolio resulted in higher GPA.
Results (cont.) LinguaFolio goal setting intervention significantly affected: Academic performance (as measured by ACT and GPA); Development of self-regulation skills.
TM ® Update on LF in the USA Alignment Project with ACTFL Launched June 2012
TM ® LinguaFolio in North Carolina Paper Digital ESL - d=4502459&pageId=4861957 d=4502459&pageId=4861957 World Lanfguages - E-format
TM ® e-LinguaFolio / / /
TM ® Educator Showcase ESL Carousel Clip ESL Carousel Clip Betsy Burton Betsy Burton Middle School ESL Middle School ESL World Language Carousel Clip World Language Carousel Clip Pam Callahan Pam Callahan High School World Language High School World Language
TM ® Educator Showcase Additional materials and examples are available at 2012LFRollout 2012LFRollout
TM ® LinguaFolio Training Modules Designed to be adaptable for use with: Designed to be adaptable for use with: Individuals Individuals Schools Schools Departments Departments Districts Districts PLCs PLCs Includes information about documenting for license renewal credits Includes information about documenting for license renewal credits
TM ® LinguaFolio Training Modules 1. What Is LinguaFolio? 2. Building Your Own LinguaFolio 3. Reflective Learning & Teaching in an Autonomous Environment 4. LinguaFolio-Like Activities 5. The Importance of Interculturality 6. Assessing Language Performance 7. Implementation Timeline & Setting Goals
TM ® LinguaFolio Training Face-to-face workshops at conferences Next: 2014 FLANC Fall Conference 2014 ELL Conference Blended or face-to- face training arranged by region, district or school Next: Put your dates here! Online Updates LinguaFolio ListServ
TM ® Arts Folio
TM ® Background Grassroots effort around student placement practices Grassroots effort around student placement practices (September 2012) (September 2012) Statewide Representation and Meetings Statewide Representation and Meetings (December 2012 – September 2013) (December 2012 – September 2013) Sub-groups: Sub-groups: ArtsFolio ArtsFolio Educator Effectiveness Educator Effectiveness
TM ® What is ArtsFolio? Adapted from NCDPI/NCSSFL LinguaFolio training materials: ArtsFolio is a formative assessment tool that helps learners: ArtsFolio is a formative assessment tool that helps learners: Assess their competencies in dance, music, theatre arts, and/or visual arts Assess their competencies in dance, music, theatre arts, and/or visual arts Document their arts experiences and learning, in and outside of school Document their arts experiences and learning, in and outside of school Become reflective and autonomous in their learning Become reflective and autonomous in their learning
TM ® What is ArtsFolio? Adapted from NCDPI/NCSSFL LinguaFolio training materials: Learners may be coming from a number of environments and programs along the K-12 continuum. Learners may be coming from a number of environments and programs along the K-12 continuum. ArtsFolio displays the learner’s competencies as they develop literacy and proficiency in each of the arts disciplines. ArtsFolio displays the learner’s competencies as they develop literacy and proficiency in each of the arts disciplines. ArtsFolio can be used to make learning in the arts more transparent and help learners develop their capacity for reflection and self-assessment — gradually enabling them to assume more and more responsibility for their own learning. ArtsFolio can be used to make learning in the arts more transparent and help learners develop their capacity for reflection and self-assessment — gradually enabling them to assume more and more responsibility for their own learning.
TM ® Supporting Arts Learning Adapted from NCDPI/NCSSFL LinguaFolio training materials: ArtsFolio allows learners to reflect on their skills, artistic competencies, and arts experiences. It provides students with the freedom to identify and use learning methods that work best for them as individuals. ArtsFolio allows learners to reflect on their skills, artistic competencies, and arts experiences. It provides students with the freedom to identify and use learning methods that work best for them as individuals. Students using ArtsFolio set short-term and long-range goals and learn to manage their own arts learning by identifying strengths and weakness well before summative assessments. Students using ArtsFolio set short-term and long-range goals and learn to manage their own arts learning by identifying strengths and weakness well before summative assessments. ArtsFolio provides students, teachers, and parents with a holistic view of performance within each of the arts disciplines. It explains what students can do with the arts and offers a much clearer description of arts abilities than a set of grades or test scores. ArtsFolio provides students, teachers, and parents with a holistic view of performance within each of the arts disciplines. It explains what students can do with the arts and offers a much clearer description of arts abilities than a set of grades or test scores. ArtsFolio is for all arts disciplines, including all sub-disciplines within the art forms of dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts. ArtsFolio is for all arts disciplines, including all sub-disciplines within the art forms of dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts. ArtsFolio accompanies arts learners throughout life and is suitable for documenting arts competencies for a wide variety of uses. ArtsFolio accompanies arts learners throughout life and is suitable for documenting arts competencies for a wide variety of uses.
TM ® StudentsParentsEducators and AdministratorsBusiness/Employers Evaluate and describe their proficiency in clear and simple terms. Document and reflect on arts learning both inside and outside the classroom setting. Display their proficiency in the arts when changing schools, applying for jobs, applying for internships, entering further education or career or other programs. Set personal arts objectives and map out ways to achieve them. Understand and observe their child’s arts-learning processes. Assist their child in setting and achieving goals. See evidence of the student’s performance during parent-teacher conferences. Identify the needs and motivators of individual learners and use this information to help students set their own learning goals. Develop programs based on learner strengths and needs. Obtain information about previous arts learning experiences. Evaluate and document performance in a differentiated way other than test scores. Connect local standards and performance guidelines to state and nationally-accepted standards. Produce evidence of arts learning. Better understand the processes of arts learning — even though the employer may not have an arts background or capability. Determine the depth of an applicant’s skills within the arts disciplines and abilities to use those skills in different situations. Profile arts proficiency of employees or job applicants for future use. Make better use of employee arts abilities and advance the company’s global opportunities.
TM ® ArtsFolio and Implementation Science Exploration 2012-13 Exploration 2012-13 Beginning steps with platform (September 2013) Beginning steps with platform (September 2013) Accessing a sample proficiency grid for arts education Accessing a sample proficiency grid for arts educationsample proficiency grid sample proficiency grid
TM ® Think Tank Leadership Christie Lynch Ebert- NCDPI Christie Lynch Ebert- NCDPI Slater Mapp - NCDPI Slater Mapp - NCDPI Liz Droessler – Wake County Liz Droessler – Wake County Janae Copeland – Onslow County Janae Copeland – Onslow County Nancy Heath – Sampson County Nancy Heath – Sampson County Lydia Stewart – Cumberland County Lydia Stewart – Cumberland County Ellen Minter Hart - NCVPS Ellen Minter Hart - NCVPS
TM ® I Can Statements Activity Look at a sample “I Can” statement Look at a sample “I Can” statement Brainstorm – what are the kinds of evidence a student might provide to illustrate that they have met this standard? Brainstorm – what are the kinds of evidence a student might provide to illustrate that they have met this standard?
TM ® BEGINNING DANCE Creation & Performance Creation & Performance I can create dance sequences that vary the use of dance elements, use simple choreographic structures, and use choreographic principles to fulfill choreographic intent. I can create dance sequences that vary the use of dance elements, use simple choreographic structures, and use choreographic principles to fulfill choreographic intent. Exemplar 1: Short example of the use of motif, cannon, negative/positive space, Laban elements Exemplar 2: Given a selection of poetry, a piece of Visual art, or a monologue as a stimulus, create an interpretation or reflection on the work using specific choreographic structures
TM ® INTERMEDIATE THEATRE ARTS Culture I can use theatre arts to explore concepts of civics and economics, such as systems, functions, structures, democracy, economies, and interdependence. I can use theatre arts to explore concepts of civics and economics, such as systems, functions, structures, democracy, economies, and interdependence. Exemplar 1: Budget Analysis for a production - upload pre-planning budget & final cost/profits Exemplar 2: Upload PPT, analysis, video presentation of linking Broadway shows to economic interdependence or how they helped to influence
TM ® PROFICIENT MUSIC Musical Response I can interpret conductor gestures to elicit expressive singing or playing. I can interpret conductor gestures to elicit expressive singing or playing. Digital recording of a rehearsal and/or performance showing students' responding appropriately to conductor's gestures Student conductors in class demonstration of correct gestures. Digital recording of video & critique of their performance
TM ® BEGINNING VISUAL ART Visual Literacy I can apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create art I can apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create art Students make a drawing that they then divide into quadrants and emphasize different elements in each section - photograph their work and complete a rubric Student provides a written critique/explanation of a work of art - theirs or someone else’s
TM ® Considerations Curricular Integrity Curricular Integrity Alignment to standards Alignment to standards Careful selection of VERBS (aligning assessment) Careful selection of VERBS (aligning assessment) Format Format Succinct for electronic platform Succinct for electronic platform Student Friendly Student Friendly
TM ® Plus/Delta Feedback What worked well? Suggestions for improvement !
TM ® Evaluation 65
TM ® LinguaFolio Presenters Charlotte “Nadja” Trez Title III/ESL Consultant NC Dept. of Public Instruction 919-807-3866 Slater Mapp Arts Education Consultant NC Dept. of Public Instruction 919-807-3758 66 Ann Marie Gunter World Language Consultant NC Dept. of Public Instruction 919-807-3865
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