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Poland. “If you can not prevent your enemies from swallowing you at least prevent them from digesting you” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau What do you think this.

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Presentation on theme: "Poland. “If you can not prevent your enemies from swallowing you at least prevent them from digesting you” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau What do you think this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poland

2 “If you can not prevent your enemies from swallowing you at least prevent them from digesting you” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau What do you think this means? Write your response in your notes.

3 Physical Characteristics Poland covered by North European plain Trees were cut down –2/3 of Poland is now open fields Poland has SEVERE winters South of the Baltic Sea

4 How has Poland’s geography contributed to its history of foreign domination??? Write the correct answer in your notes –Hint #1: Think about where Poland is on the map –Hint #2: Think about what would attract invaders

5 How has Poland’s geography contributed to its history of foreign domination??? Write the correct answer in your notes Answer: No natural barriers to prevent invasion from east and west and abundance of natural resources that attract invaders

6 WWII 95% of people who live in Poland now are Roman Catholic Before WWII Poland was multi-ethnic –What could have changed this???

7 The Nazi Party Wanted the “perfect” race Blamed the Jewish religion for Germany’s hard times. The Nazi Party either scared the various races out of Poland or they killed those who were different

8 Auschwitz

9 Location : Olwiecim, Poland Date Aushwitz opened: - June 14, 1940

10 The camp was used for… There were 3 main camps within Auschwitz: Auschwitz 1: Administrative Center Auschwitz 2: Extermination Camp Auschwitz 3: Labor Camp

11 Chief Commander: Rudolph Hoess In charge from May 4, 1940 to November of 1943.

12 Types of Executions Used: Gassing Lack of disease prevention Starving Individual executions Medical experiments (sterilization, twins, dwarfs) ‏

13 Five Years Later… Death toll: -estimated 2.5-4 million people died Liberated by the Soviet Union: -January 27, 1945

14 After Liberation… Auschwitz 1 (Administration Camp) ‏ -Made into a museum to tell the tragic story of what happened. Auschwitz 2 (Extermination Camp) ‏ -Made into a grave site for the many that died there.

15 End of WWII Communist government takes over Poland. What does communism mean? What are the negatives? What are the positives of communism? –Positives – Free health care, low taxes for the poor, everyone is equal, classless society –Negatives – Censorship, hunger, political repression, work environment, hair color??? Communist party tried to remove religion from Poland but the Roman Catholics stayed!!

16 Communism Ends In 1989 Poland did not experience instant prosperity Change was difficult, however by the mid 1990s economic growth was up and unemployment improved

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