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Theatre Terms Jargon for the stage.

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Presentation on theme: "Theatre Terms Jargon for the stage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theatre Terms Jargon for the stage

2 Acting Terms These are words that deal with the actors craft as well as what you need to know when you are acting.

3 Audition An opportunity to try out for a play.

4 Aside When an actor speaks directly to the audience.

5 Bit A small role A small action or interaction to take place on stage.

6 Book Script

7 “Break a leg!” Wishing an actor good luck.
It’s bad luck to say good luck.

8 Cheat Front Facing your body toward the audience, and your face toward another actor on stage.

9 Cue Signal to begin a line or action.

10 Curtain call The bow at the end of the play.

11 Ensemble A cast where there is no lead. All parts are equal.

12 Entrance When an actor comes on stage.

13 Improvisation Creating a brief acting scene with no preparation of the spur of the moment.

14 Monologue Passage spoken by only one person.

15 Off Book Have script memorized.

16 Pantomime Telling a story without using words or props.

17 Principals Main characters.

18 Projection Making your voice extend to the whole audience using your diaphragm.

19 Up Staging Drawing focus from the person who is supposed to be in focus.

20 Warm Up A verbal and physical exercise to get the actor pumped up for the production.

21 Parts of the Stage These terms are the names of parts of the stage, and types of stages.

22 Arena Staging Theatre in the round/ Black Box.
Stage in the center with bleacher seating on all four sides.

23 Backdrop Pained canvas hung to represent a setting.

24 Backstage Area behind the set.

25 Cyclorama (cyc) Background curtain that covers the back of the stage.

26 Downstage Area closest to the audience.

27 Dressing Room Where actors get ready to go on the stage.

28 Flat Rectangular frame covered with canvas to use as scenery.

29 Fly Anything flown in to the staging area. Verb – to fly in a fly

30 Green Room Where actors wait to go on stage.

31 House Where the audience sits.

32 Proscenium Picture frame through which an audience sees the play.

33 Scrim Gauze screen used to create effects when combined with light.

34 Stage Left When standing on the stage, it’s your left.

35 Stage Right When standing on the right, it’s your right.

36 Thrust Staging Low platform stage with seating on three sides.

37 Upstage Area of the stage that is farthest from the audience.

38 Wings The sides of the stage in which actors wait to go on.

39 Directing and Technical Terms
These words have to do with the stage direction used by the director, as well as terms associated with the different technical aspects of theatre.

40 Black Out Lights out.

41 Blocking Movement of actors on stage.

42 Blocking Rehearsal Practice where director places the actors in pictures and designates movements.

43 Call Time actors are to be at the theatre.

44 Callback Second stage of auditioning process.
Director wants to see the actor again.

45 Counter Moving in the opposite direction of the cross made by another actor.

46 Cross Move across the stage.

47 Dark A night of no performance in a run.

48 Director “God” Makes all of the decisions.

49 Doubling AKA - Double casting Two casts for the same show…
Or playing more than one part.

50 Dressing the stage Decorating the scenery.

51 Focus Where the audience should be looking on the stage.

52 Gel Thin sheet of gelatin available in a wide range of colors.
Used in front of a light to color the beam.

53 Gobo Usually aluminum and inserted into the light to create a pattern on the stage.

54 Go Up Time the show begins.

55 “Lights Up” When the lights come on the stage.

56 Notes When the director tells the actors what they didn’t get right.

57 Pace Tempo and speed of the show. 

58 Prompt Book Stage manager’s “bible”
Copy of the script with all notes and cues in it.

59 Props Anything an actor picks up and uses on stage.

60 Read Through Cast reads their parts out loud with out physically acting it out.

61 Run The days a play is being put on.

62 Run-Lines Recite lines as quickly as possible to get
the lines down pat.

63 Run-Through Rehearsal where the acting does not stop for working.

64 Stage Directions The parts in a script that tell the actor what to do.

65 Strike To dismantle and put away everything used in the show.

66 Techie Technical crew member.

67 Tech Rehearsals Rehearsals devoted to adding and perfecting the technical aspects of a production.

68 The End Commit these words to memory, as you will be tested on them on Tuesday of next week.

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