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The Road to War. Reminder In the 19 th century “Scramble for Africa” Britain had gained most of the best land. France had come in second. Germany was.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to War. Reminder In the 19 th century “Scramble for Africa” Britain had gained most of the best land. France had come in second. Germany was."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to War

2 Reminder In the 19 th century “Scramble for Africa” Britain had gained most of the best land. France had come in second. Germany was not formed until 1870 and therefore was left meagre pickings.

3 Morocco was part of France’s territory in Africa

4 Trouble in the Balkans

5 Outcome of the 2 nd Balkan War

6 The Road to War 1871 End of the Franco- Prussian war. France is humiliated & Alsace / Lorraine becomes part of Germany -> tensions 1895 Kiel Canal Opens 1879 Dual Alliance – Germany & Austria-Hungary 1882 Triple Alliance – Italy joins 1894 Franco-Russian Alliance

7 The Road to War 1902 Work begins on the Berlin-Baghdad Railway 1904 Entente Cordiale – France & Britain 1898 German govt. approves plans to build more battleships – Naval Arms race has begun 1905 1 st Moroccan Crisis - Tangier

8 The Road to War 1906 HMS Dreadnought launched 1907 Triple Entente – Russia joins 1908 Bosnian Crisis 1911 2 nd Moroccan Crisis - Agadir 1912 1 st Balkan War

9 The Road to War 1913 2 nd Balkan War 28 th June 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo

10 TASK Read “Britain at War” pages 18 – 20, then complete the following tasks in your jotter. 1.Write an account of the attitudes and actions that led to the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. 2.The 28 th June 1914 was a National Day for the Serbian People. a)Why would anti-Austrian feeling be running high on such a day? b)Was it sensible for the Archduke to be visiting Sarajevo that day? Explain your answer.

11 The World Goes to War July ’14 – Austria & Serbia - Russia Aug ’14 – Germany (and her Empire) -France (and her Empire) - Belgium - Britain (and her Empire) World by end of 1917

12 The Road to War 28 th June 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo 23 rd July 1914 Austrian Ultimatum is sent to Serbia. 28 th July 1914 Serbia fails to meet all of Austria’s demands. Austria declares war on Serbia 30 th July 1914 Following a Serbian plea for help, Russia mobilises her forces and begins to advance west.

13 The Road to War 1 st August 1914 Russia fails to meet German demands to demobilise her troops. Germany declares war on Russia 3 rd August 1914 German demands for French neutrality (despite the Franco- Russian agreement) are ignored. Germany declares war on France 4 th August 1914 German troops march into Belgium. Britain honours her agreement (made in 1839) to guarantee Belgian neutrality and declares war on Germany.

14 Over the course of the next 4 years other countries would also become involved in the war: AlliesCentral Powers ItalyTurkey RomaniaBulgaria Greece Portugal Montenegro USA Japan Brazil

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