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James Franck Megan Mammenga White 3 Mrs. Hawks Background Information Born August 26,1882, in Hamburg, Germany Taught in Berlin as associate professor.

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2 James Franck Megan Mammenga White 3 Mrs. Hawks

3 Background Information Born August 26,1882, in Hamburg, Germany Taught in Berlin as associate professor Appointed Head of Physics Division- Kaiser Wilhelm University Moved family to Baltimore, U.S.A., upon arrival of Nazis.

4 Background Information Work in U.S.A. Studied conduction of electricity through gases in Germany. Contributed some evidence that supported Bohr’s atomic theory. Work in Germany Most studies dedicated to fluorescent colors and vapors. 1925-proposed mechanism of photochemical dissociation of iodine molecules.

5 James Franck Proposed principle which was later revised by E.U. Condon. Thus, making it known as the Franck-Condon principle. 1945-joined group of atomic scientists preparing so-called “Franck Report” Urged demonstration of atomic bomb as military weapon.

6 James Franck (Continued) Although this failed plan this is still often used. Stands as a monument of rejection by scientists. 1951-received Max Planck Medal of German Physical Society. 1953-named honorary citizen by German university.

7 James Franck When atomic bomb was ready for military, Germany already surrendered. Frank & Szilard made petition among scientist opposing rejection.

8 Continued… 1955-received Rutherford Medal from AAAS 1964-James Franck elected Foreign Member of the Royal Society.

9 Continued… First married to Ingrid Josefson- 1911 Had two daughters Dagmar and Lisa. Remarried after wife’s death to Hertha Sponer- 1946 Hertha was a professor at Duke University Ingrid Josefson Hertha Sponer

10 James Franck James Franck is often known for: Exchanges in energy during electron collisions, Preparing “Franck Report” in 1945, And the Condon-Frank Principle in 1925.

11 Franck-Condon Principle Electronic transitions occur so rapidly, Franck said position and momentum of nuclei go through no apparent change. Later theory was revised by E.U. Condon making. Thus making it the Franck-Condon Principle.

12 James Franck James Franck died May 21, 1964 in Germany. He was only visiting Germany when he died.

13 Work Cited "Nobel Lectures." Elsevier Publishing, Web. 23 Feb 2010. http://nobelprize.org gene, dannen. "The Franck Report." Gene Dannen, Web. 23 Feb 2010.

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