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1 Public participation in the Danube Basin: approaches, activities, challenges Jasmine Bachmann ICPDR Secretariat UN Conference on Info Management and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Public participation in the Danube Basin: approaches, activities, challenges Jasmine Bachmann ICPDR Secretariat UN Conference on Info Management and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Public participation in the Danube Basin: approaches, activities, challenges Jasmine Bachmann ICPDR Secretariat UN Conference on Info Management and Public Participation St. Petersburg, June 8-10, 2005 1

2 2 Content 2 Danube River Basin ICPDR, WFD & Public Participation Key Documents Key Activities Lessons Learned

3 3 10% of Europe 81 Mio Inhabitants 18 Countries Most international River Basin in the World

4 4

5 5 Economic Indicators GDP on PPP, 2002, €/capita/year 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 DEATCZSKHUSIHRCSBABGROMDUA

6 6 The legal frame for co-operation to assure protection of water and ecological resources and their sustainable use in the Danube River Basin. Danube River Protection Convention (based on the principles of the UNECE Water Convention) signed: 29 June 1994, Sofia

7 7 International commission responsible for the implementation of the DRPC. ICPDR – International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River since: 1 October 1999

8 8 Contracting Parties Austria Bulgaria Bosnia i Herzegovina Croatia Czech Republic European Union Germany Hungary Moldova Romania Serbia i Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine

9 9 Observers GWP CEE REC UNESCO - IHP Danube Commission Black Sea Com. Danube Tourist Com.

10 10 River Basin Mgm EG Flood Prevention Control EG Emission EG Monitoring Laboratory Info Mgmt EG Accident Prevention Control EG Ecology EG Strategic EG Permanent Secretariat International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR ) Active participation of observers

11 11 ICPDR has been nominated the platform to develop the Danube River Basin Management Plan. EU Water Framework Directive

12 12 WFD Implementation IT CH PL MKMK AL ICPDR DE AT CZ UA MDMD HUHU SI CS BG RO SK HR BA Cooperation (example) Bilateral agreements (examples) Cooperation (example) Sub-river basin cooperation (example: Sava River)

13 13 Allowing the public to influence the outcome of plans and working processes. It IS NOT about: –everybody joining –always participation –losing control –achieving consensus at all costs –everybody deciding It IS about: –management of expectations –two-way communication –tailor-made (no blue print) –no pre-determined outcome What is Public Participation?

14 14 ICPDR process April 2002: „Issue Paper on PP for the Implementation of the WFD in the DRB“ by WWF and GWP April 2003: PP Workshop in Bratislava with 50 participants from all over the Danube River Basin - Danube River Basin Strategy for PP in RBM Planning Jun/Nov 2003:- Danube River Basin Strategy for PP in RBM Planning (short PP Strategy) (short PP Strategy) - ICPDR Operational Plan 2004, 2005

15 15 Its is NOT about: –to prescribe activities to the governments at the national levels It IS about: –to provide guidance to national governments on all levels of PP e.g. tools, mechanisms, structures –to promote PP concerning the RBM process –to inform other key stakeholders about PP possibilities and structures What is the Danube PP Strategy?

16 16 It is NOT about: –to define activities on all levels –to duplicate effective ICPDR processes It IS about: –to develop activities on the roof – level (“living document”) –to assist the national governments to fulfill their PP obligations –to demonstrate that PP is taken seriously by the DRB countries What is the ICPDR Operational Plan?

17 17 ICPDR Operational Plan (1) Phase I („information“ ) Stakeholder analysis Communication Network between countries Public Participation Network between countries Launching of International Danube Day - June 29

18 18 ICPDR Operational Plan (2) Phase II (“facilitate active participation”) WFD Leaflet (outcomes of the roof report) in English/national languages Stakeholder Forum 2005 – June 2005 Hearing for stakeholders; presentation of Roof Report 2004; discuss pressures and impacts Selected stakeholders even more actively involved in ICPDR Expert Groups

19 19 Danube Day, June 29 „Danube Solidarity“ - connect people - joining forces

20 20 More than 300 events throughout the Danube with wide participation

21 21

22 22 1,5 day conference on June 28-29 in Budapest 100-120 participants 4 blocks: a) ICPDR general, incl. pp concept of the ICPDR b) Danube Analysis Report (art.5 report WFD) c) Flood Action Programme d) summary and next steps Facilitated discussions & work sessions Danube River Basin Stakeholder Conference

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24 24 Lessons Learned PP is a process – take the time and plan the process carefully Be patient – new “concept of governance” Accept also failures PP has to happen on different levels – it is crucial on the local level, but can be supported internationally

25 25 Lessons Learned No need to be scared – there are not many stakeholders on the door Start early – and involve the main players Use synergies and cooperate (DEF, GWP, WWF) Make the procedures clear – to avoid misunderstanding and mistrust Make the best use of the people’s time

26 26 For more information, please visit:

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