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UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic Commission for Europe Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 Subregional Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic Commission for Europe Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 Subregional Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic Commission for Europe Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 Subregional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transport under the TIR system Access to the TIR system for national associations and TIR operators

2 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 2 Controlled access to the TIR procedure Actors Authorization and control by Customs authorities Supervision by TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) Regulations Minimum conditions for national associations (Annex 9, Part I of the Convention) Minimum conditions for TIR transport operators (Annex 9, Part II)

3 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 3 Controlled access to the TIR procedure Minimum conditions for national associations Annex 9, Part I, Article 1 Existence for at least one year Sound financial standing Knowledge of staff in the application of the Convention Absence of offences against Customs or tax law Establishment of a written agreement or any other legal instrument with the competent authorities (example agreement by TIRExB) (Insurance) coverage of all liabilities vis-à-vis Customs

4 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 4 Controlled access to the TIR procedure Minimum conditions for transport operators Annex 9, Part II, Article 1 Capability to engage in regular international transport Sound financial standing Knowledge in the application of the Convention Absence of offences against Customs or tax legislation Undertaking in a written declaration of commitment to the association to comply with the provisions of the TIR Convention, including possible liabilities

5 UNECE MODEL AUTHORIZATION FORM (MAF) Country:................. Name of association:.................................. Competent authority:................................. Model Authorization Form To be completed by national associations and/or competent authorities ID- numbe r Name of person(s)/ enterprise Business address Contact point and access number (Tel, fax and E-mail number) Business registration or licence number, etc. */ Earlier withdrawal of authorization **/ Date of authorizat ion **/ Date of withdra wal of authori- zation **/ Stamp/ signature......... */ if available. **/ if appropriate.

6 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 6 Competent authorities transmit within one week from the date of authorization or withdrawal the MAF to the TIR Executive Board (Annex 9, Part II, Article 4) National associations transmit annually to the competent authorities an updated list as per 31 December of all authorized persons as well as of those whose authorization has been withdrawn to the competent authorities (Annex 9, Part II, Article 5) International TIR Data Bank (ITDB)

7 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 7 35,000 TIR Carnet holders TIR Carnet holder ID number, dates of approval and/or withdrawal and contact information On-line access for TIR Customs focal points From 1 April 2006: ID number on TIR Carnet INTERNATIONAL TIR DATA BANK (ITDB)

8 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 8

9 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 9

10 UNECE Sub-regional Seminar on Facilitation of International Road Transit Transport under the TIR system, Beijing, 22-23 September 2005 10 THANK YOU

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