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Tanning bed light is on the government’s known carcinogen list! The review panel unanimously approved saying human studies have shown exposure to solar.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanning bed light is on the government’s known carcinogen list! The review panel unanimously approved saying human studies have shown exposure to solar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanning bed light is on the government’s known carcinogen list! The review panel unanimously approved saying human studies have shown exposure to solar radiation is related to skin cancer and use of sun lamps or sun beds is associated with skin and eye cancer. “Dermatologists across the country are alarmed with the number of teenagers and young adults who continue to patronize tanning salons regardless of the studies that have reported on the link between UV exposure to a wide array of skin cancers.” – Dr. Sekula-Gibbs

2 Scientific Name: Wrinklesaurus hurtskin Common Name: Way too tanned person You can see them most anywhere, the Wrinklesaurus has adopted the darker it is, the harder it is to see the wrinkles strategy. Long exposure to the sun not only darkens the natural coloring to an un-natural hue, but leaves the skin of the Wrinklesaurus with even more wrinkles. Thus the strategy is doomed to failure. A failed quest for beauty.

3 To prevent wrinkles and age spots like these! Why protect yourself from UV rays?

4 What is wrong with this picture? What is he missing? Skin cancer, even when found early, can have devastating effects on your body… This man had skin cancer on his ear that had spread, he still has fun outside but is careful to use hats and sunscreen

5 If you have questions about moles, or anything else relating to skin, hair or nails….. Who should you ask? ANSWER: A Dermatologist!!

6 Skin cancer and wrinkles aren’t the only thing sun damage can cause… Cataracts are caused by the same damaging UVA/UVB rays. Cataracts are the leading cause of loss of sight. Cataracts make everything look blurry. Protect your eyes! Make sure your sunglasses have UVA AND UVB protection!

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