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“Water Chernobyl”.  Toxic chemical that is used in mining and other industries.

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Presentation on theme: "“Water Chernobyl”.  Toxic chemical that is used in mining and other industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Water Chernobyl”

2  Toxic chemical that is used in mining and other industries

3  Cyanide was used in Romania at a mining operation  Separates gold from rock  After it is used it was stored behind a dam

4  January 30,2000  Rain swelled the pond and it reached a dangerously high level  The dam burst releasing 100,000 cubic meters of cyanide water into the Szamos River  Equivalent to 30 Olympic pools

5  Szamos River in Romania  Went across Hungary and entered the Tisza River  Tisza empties into the Danube  Went across Serbia, Montenegro, and Bulgaria and then into the Black Sea


7  Dead fish  Killed 200 tons of fish  Hundreds of otters  Fish-eating birds died

8  Other animals that ate or drank from the water died.

9  Affected the water supply of 2.5 million people  Shut down water systems

10  Warned people to stay away from water  Canceled trips to area

11  Did not last long  Breaks down in sunlight  When reached the Danube – no longer toxic to fish  Take years for the river to “get back to normal”

12  Mining  Farming – chemicals and fertilizers  Boats  factories

13  Different groups working on helping the Danube in the future  “Danube Day”

14 A Burst Dam Releases Deadly Chemicals  Write the name of the country that was the source of the water pollution. On the map, color the source of the water pollution.  Then complete this sentence: Accidental water pollution occurred when… Cyanide Flows into the Danube River System  Summarize how the pollution spread. Names two countries most affected by the pollution.  Then complete this sentence: One consequence of the spread of water pollution across borders was… Efforts to Reduce Water Pollution  Describe one effort to reduce water pollution. Then complete this sentence: _______________________ help to reduce water pollution by…

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