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By Fa Re Da Thesis statement The Utah territory it had to share the bona the spring Joe walker was bone in Texas about 1850.

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Presentation on theme: "By Fa Re Da Thesis statement The Utah territory it had to share the bona the spring Joe walker was bone in Texas about 1850."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Fa Re Da Thesis statement The Utah territory it had to share the bona the spring Joe walker was bone in Texas about 1850.

2 Shoshone used tepees and wiki-ups for homes. Ute made buffalo skins into tepees. Paiute Goshute Navajo built hogans from mud and wood logs.

3 The Ute and Shoshone were hunter-gathers. Their homes moved with them from place to place. The Paiute and Goshute were farmers and hunter- gatherers. Their houses were semi-permanent. The Navajo did not build villages, but had homes across the land.

4 They Ute were lived in brush wickkups or skin tepees, traveled the Mormon settled in the salt lake city.

5 The bans recognized, traded and intermarried. With each other freas water the initial Mormon settlement In the salt valley

6 The some of government officials that Mormon. The Saints began to plan in earnest. They were prepared for the evacuation they flood of refugees waiting in cabins the pioneer did not blazer.

7 The first settlement in Utah was Salt Lake City. The settlement of the salt lake city was not typical in many ways. In the many ways the history of salt lake city.

8 The citizen of the Utah knew that his hasty departure meant that he not return, they also left the area during the same period. The business and the salt lake the theater were close.

9 The snow slide during the Alta mining day cottonwood Utah, that is, because Alta is that Emma. Prince of waves and south located the canyon comp.

10 The mining town, and the cutters business house close. To the store a few board. The miners millers, charcal cutters buring to the other jobs and the comp followers.

11 They pacific Railroad to build there. They worker Railroad with three other they are tying as they might.

12 The some brought in birds to test and their wages their usually resource. The some company explothed their. The miners tired to organize to regain perhaps 40 percent of the Mormon.

13 That was History of salt lake that was very much the kind of society its found.

14 The house was the sold to an out of Towner who with two grown children, to the salt lake.

15 The settlement of the salt lake city was not typical, in many ways of the. They did not come as individuals acting and they come for a religions purpose to. In the many ways the history of salt lake. That was very much the kind of society its found. The first of the few years of settlement, it was salt lake. Two school system operated. And the process has continued to the present.

16 Why is my topic important the Utah history. Because

17 Beck Bartholomew, history Blazer, January 1996 Alta, Utah– after a snow slide. Thomas G. Alexander Utah Right place. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel Utah History Encyclopedia. David Rich Lewis Utah History Encyclopedia. John S. McCormick Utah History Encyclopedia. Slaughter G. Store– Frisco, Utah.

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