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Environmental Problems and Solutions Chapter 6. Objectives SPI 0807.5.4 Identify several reasons for the importance of maintaining the earth’s biodiversity.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Problems and Solutions Chapter 6. Objectives SPI 0807.5.4 Identify several reasons for the importance of maintaining the earth’s biodiversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Problems and Solutions Chapter 6

2 Objectives SPI 0807.5.4 Identify several reasons for the importance of maintaining the earth’s biodiversity. I can: Identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. Explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity. Explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

3 Environmental Problems Pollution Resource Depletion Exotic Species Overpopulation Habitat Destruction I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

4 Pollution Unwanted change in the environment caused by substances or forms of energy. Examples of pollutants: ◦ Garbage ◦ Chemicals ◦ Radioactive waste ◦ Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide, CO 2 ◦ Noise I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

5 Resource Depletion Renewable Resource (#78) ◦ One that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is used. ◦ Examples:  Water  Wind  Trees  Solar Nonrenewable resource (#62) ◦ One that cannot be replaced or can be replaced only over thousands or millions of years. ◦ Examples:  Fossil fuels  Oil  Natural gas  Coal I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

6 Exotic Species An organism that makes a home for itself in a new place outside its native home. Carried by ships, planes, people to other places. Creates competition and predators to the native species. Examples: ◦ Northern snakehead fish ◦ Pigs, Goats in the Galapagos Islands ◦ pdf pdf I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

7 Northern snakehead fish Fire ant Japanese honeysuckle Zebra Mussels I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

8 Overpopulation The presence of too many individuals in an area for the available resources. http://www.census.go v/main/www/popcloc k.html Population Clock I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.

9 Habitat Destruction If a habitat is damaged or destroyed, BIODIVERSITY IS LOST. ◦ Biodiversity (#12): the number and variety of organisms in a given area during a specific time period. Examples: ◦ Deforestation: clearing of forest lands ◦ Oil spills ◦ Draining marshlands ◦ Building malls, homes, etc. I can explain possible activities that threaten biodiversity.


11 Environmental Solutions Conservation: preservations and wise use of natural resources The 4 R’s ◦ Reduce: reduce waste and pollution ◦ Reuse: Reuse products ◦ Recycle: recovering valuable or useful materials from waste or scrap  Paper, plastic, aluminum, glass ◦ Repurchase: buy recycled products I can identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. I can explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity.

12 Use Alternative Energy Wind Water Solar I can identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. I can explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity.

13 I can identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. I can explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity.

14 Maintain Biodiversity Protect species ◦ Endangered Species Act ◦ Endangered Species List Protect habitats Maintain biodiversity ◦ Food, resources, medicines I can identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. I can explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity.

15 Environmental Strategies Reduce pollution Reduce pesticide use Protect habitats Learn about local issues Develop alternative energy sources I can identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. I can explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity.

16 What you can do to help! Use recycled paper Turn off electrical devices when not in use Walk or ride a bicycle Use rechargeable batteries Use both sides of your paper Reuse plastic shopping bags Turn off water while brushing your teeth Recycle I can identify reasons to maintain Earth’s biodiversity. I can explain the importance of maintaining Earth’s biodiversity.

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