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Mother Teresa By Alex Lopez. Early Life Mother Teresa was born “Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu” She was born in Skopje, Macedonia, which was the former Yugoslavia.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother Teresa By Alex Lopez. Early Life Mother Teresa was born “Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu” She was born in Skopje, Macedonia, which was the former Yugoslavia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mother Teresa By Alex Lopez

2 Early Life Mother Teresa was born “Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu” She was born in Skopje, Macedonia, which was the former Yugoslavia. She is the youngest of three children. She started working in a youth group in her local parish called Sodality. Mother Teresa at a very young age. I’m estimating maybe she’s roughly around 8- 17.

3 Early Life At the age of 17. Agnes (Mother Teresa) decided to become a Catholic missionary nun. She joined the Sisters of Loretta, a group known for their work in India. During her vows for the Sister of Loretta, she decided on the name Teresa after Saint Therese of Lisieux. That is a picture of her on the left .

4 Work Calcutta (Kolkata) is the city shown in the bottom and something interesting is that it has two names. Weird huh? She was in Calcultta and she was teaching.. Sister Teresa would teach geography and cathechism at St. Mary’s High School. She was promoted and in 1944 sbecame the principal of St. Mary’s.

5 Work Though her promotion was shortly lived because she contracted tuberculosis. She was sent to Darjeeling to be able to get better. There are many types of TB and the picture on the right depicts some.

6 The Second Call Mother Teresa gets a “call within a call” While she was going to Darjeeling she got another calling. Mother Teresa recalled “I was to leave the convent and work with the poor, living among them. It was an order. I knew where I belonged but I did not know how to get there. Mother Teresa praying.

7 She was allowed to leave the Sisters of Loretto and went to pursue her calling. She started out by teaching the slums and then learned basic medicine. During her work she was joined by her former pupils and continued with her work. The picture of the slums shows where she would of worked and it looks very sad. Missionaries of Charity

8 Mother Teresa was able to rent a room, so they could care for the helpless. In 1950, they were able to make there group established as the Missionaries of Charity. She opened the first Home for the Dying. Below is a picture of some of the Missionaries of Charity.

9 Work and Charity The Missionaries of Charity grew from only 12 people to more than thousands of people helping. Mother Teresa created one the biggest charities that opened up many homes for the homeless and helpless. She helped the AIDS victims and took in the poor, unwanted, and dying in the world into her care. Picture is what thousands of people would look like.

10 Work and Charity All of her hard work paid off when tons and tons of people started helping and opening centers for more people. The Missionaries of Charity Brothers was founded and more homes began to open. They opened up in many places, including Tanzania, Australia, and even the in the US. On the left is a picture of Australia where some of these centers opened up.

11 Accomplishments Mother Teresa accomplished so much!!! Mother Teresa helped out so many people in this world. She gained worldwide attention with her efforts on world peace. She was given a lot of humanitarian awards. Below is a picture of Mother Teresa and the Nobel Peace Prize.

12 Accomplishments Two of her most known are the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize and The Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Some other awards she was given was the Medal of Freedom, which is the highest U.S. civilian award given. She also receives honorary U.S. citizenship on November 16, 1996. The Medal of Freedom is shown on the left.

13 Beautification He left behind many ideas and values with his family and friends The definition of beautification from the is: The canonization of a saint is a solemn act by which the Pope, the supreme authority in the Catholic Church, declares that a person practiced heroic virtue and lived in fidelity to God’s grace, is with God in heaven and is to be venerated throughout the whole Church. The Pope enrolls the person on the list of Saints. Below is a picture of the MoC remember Mother Teresa

14 Beautification In English it means that it’s a time when the Pope decides on whether Mother Teresa practice heroic virtue and lived in fidelity to God’s grace. Though there is a lot more to this process, I won’t put the specifics just the main points. The Pope is involved in the Beautification process, but the one below might not be the right Pope.

15 Legacy 1910-1997 She is one person that I admire the most.

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