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Presence-Enhancing Real Walking User Interface for First-Person Video Games Computer Game Case Study 우종화.

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Presentation on theme: "Presence-Enhancing Real Walking User Interface for First-Person Video Games Computer Game Case Study 우종화."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presence-Enhancing Real Walking User Interface for First-Person Video Games Computer Game Case Study 우종화

2 Abstract First-person Game Virtual Reality Presence-Enhancing Real Walking Redirected Walking Transitional Environment

3 First-person Game perspective of the player’s character immersive gameplay

4 Virtual Reality (VR) Enhance gameplay head-mounted display

5 Real Walking most natural way one-to-one mapping –Limited range of the tracking sensors –small workspace in the real world compression

6 Redirected Walking When using only vision perceiving paths of travel is difficult Compensate for small inconsistencies

7 Redirected Walking Rotating the virtual camera the user compensate by walking a circular arc

8 Transitional Environment virtual replica of real environment

9 how much humans can unknowingly be redirected whether or not a gradual transition increases the user’s sense of presence

10 Geocaching Game treasure hunting game immersive version redirected walking and transitional environments

11 Game Interface Setup 10m×7m darkened laboratory room HMD infrared LED InertiaCube 2 Nintendo Wii remote controller

12 Transitional Environment

13 Virtual Portal

14 Walking Experiment Redirect subjects Subjects discriminate the walk direction 9 male and 3 female (age 19-50) students or members of the departments normal vision Game experience 2/4/6

15 Walking Experiment two-alternative forced-choice point of subjective equality (PSE) –The gain at which the subject responds “left” in 50% of the trials detection threshold (DTs) –75% probability of choosing correct answer

16 Walking Experiment radius r, curvature gain = 1/r rotate by 5,10,15,20,30 degrees after 5m walking

17 Walking Experiment

18 radius 22.03m user can walk straight without restriction in 40m ×40m

19 Evaluation of Transitional Environment 7 male and 3 female (age 23-53) Game experience 3/4/3 first with(TW) and then without(RW) transitional environment reverse order

20 Subjective Presence Slater-Usoh-Steed (SUS) presence questionnaire six questions on a 1-to-7 Likert scale

21 Subjective Presence RW average score of 3.63 TW average score of 4.31 19% increase of sense of presence

22 Behavioral Presence video captured during the experiment observer had to classify the way of walking –Speed –patterns –overall impression –relation between walk and view direction

23 Behavioral Presence three levels –ex) very slow(1) – slow(2) – normal(3) RWTW Walk speed1.752.1 pattern of walking2.12.3 overall impression2.32.5 view direction2.02.6

24 players can be guided on circular arc with a radius of 22.03m transitional environments increase of the subject’s sense of presence subjects seem to move more safely and naturally

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