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“There is only one God, but there are many different ways to know God

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Presentation on theme: "“There is only one God, but there are many different ways to know God"— Presentation transcript:

1 “There is only one God, but there are many different ways to know God
Discuss the statement above exploring different religious and non religious views and giving your own views.

2 Choose 3 groups to research:
Believe in one believe in God Have different ideas about God Don’t believe in God Christians Muslims Sikhs Hindus Buddhist Atheists Agnostics Humanists

3 Do one question at a time
How to get started with Part A: Is There only one God? Explain what the question is about In this question I will explore some of the different beliefs about God… My Outline some different beliefs about God Christians believe…. Hindus argue that Explain why some people don’t believe in God at all Atheists would say that this question was meaningless because… My view is… Explain what you believe and why I have thought carefully about the question and have considered different views. At first I thought…. My current belief is … because… The view that I most agree with is… because…. The view that I disagree most with is… because….

4 Explain what the question is about
How to get started with Part B: Is there more than one path to God Explain what the question is about This question is all about the idea that some people think that their beliefs about God are the only true ones… Other people are open minded and accept that there are many different ways of knowing… Explain some different views/beliefs Many Christians think… In the Bible one verse suggests… Hindus have a different view… Atheists on the other hand Explain your own thoughts on this issue My thoughts on the issue are… I disagree with …[Christian/atheist/Hindu]… views because… The views that I most agree with are … because… Also, I think… Conclusion: Explain what you have learned by studying these two questions: What have you learned about different beliefs What have you learned about the way different people think about other people’s beliefs What have you learned about yourself and your own beliefs

5 Christianity Buddhism Hinduism (and other religions) ** Atheism/Humanism Islam

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