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9/5/2014 In your opinion, what makes people civilized? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "9/5/2014 In your opinion, what makes people civilized? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/5/2014 In your opinion, what makes people civilized? Why?

2 The Foundations of Civilization

3 Characteristics of a Civilization: A complex culture that has the following things: Ability to produce extra food Establishment of towns/cities with a form of government People performing different jobs (instead of each person doing all the same thing)

4 Where in the World Are Civilizations? Bad climates for farming were still hunter-gatherers Permanent settlements developed in four specific regions:

5 The Nile River Valley in Africa The Valley of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in southwestern Asia The Indus River Valley in southern Asia The Huang River Valley in eastern Asia

6 Surplus Food and Irrigation What do the four major rivers have in common? Flood their banks during periods of heavy rain In areas that are warm/hot = little rain in dry seasons Farmers need water from rivers during dry season…. Irrigation Led to more and better food and increases in population

7 Government and Labor Governments made and enforced rules to guide behavior to help plan, direct, and regulate work Division of Labor: People could do any kind of work Cultural Diffusion: By trading, we were able to spread ideas and other aspects of culture to new areas

8 Other Characteristics of Civilizations…..

9 A Calendar Developed calendars so farmers would know when the yearly floods would start and stop Lunar Month From flood to flood was a year Full moon to the next was a month Problem? Lunar month only lasts 29 ½ days so total calendar = 354 days when a solar year is 365 ½ days

10 The Use of Metals 6,000+ years ago – used copper to make tools and jewelry 5,000 years ago - bronze (a mixture of copper and tin) became more useful since it was harder Marks end of Stone Ages and beginning of Bronze Age

11 Iron is stronger than copper or bronze But making Iron is a long and difficult process Not 100% sure when/how people discovered to use iron 3,200 years ago, Southwestern Asia learned to make iron and the Iron Age began

12 Family and Religion Women actually managed the family Cared for children, cooked food, made clothing, and crafted - pottery and weaving Initially did all the farming (Suggested by the rise of goddesses during this time) When the plow was invented and animals harnessed to pull it, men took over

13 People believed in many gods and goddesses People worried about the rain not coming They would pray for water and offer sacrifices When it rained, they would pray and give thanks believing that their prayers had been answered

14 Some Form of Writing A new form of communication was needed to keep and pass on information and ideas Writing began around 3,000 B.C. By developing written languages the early river valley civilizations created records of their cultures and societies, in other words….history had begun!!!

15 So, how did writing develop? Cave Paintings Drawn images Completely made up?


17 Instructions Looking at your name, choose one item that represents you or something you enjoy, to stand for each letter of your first name. The pictures need to be neatly drawn, colored, and understandable. On the back of the paper, include your name and why you chose each object in your name.

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