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Recreation. Meeting Places n Restaurants –food often takes 30 minutes or more to prepare this encourages conversation –after dinner, people often order.

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Presentation on theme: "Recreation. Meeting Places n Restaurants –food often takes 30 minutes or more to prepare this encourages conversation –after dinner, people often order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recreation

2 Meeting Places n Restaurants –food often takes 30 minutes or more to prepare this encourages conversation –after dinner, people often order coffee and continue chatting

3 Meeting Places Caf é s –many styles of tea and coffee –people drink, and chat –“ Let ’ s go for a coffee. ” –some caf é s also serve meals n Pub (England) or bar (America) –“ Let ’ s go for a drink. ” –popular with both students and adults

4 Movies “ Hollywood ” = the mainstream American film industy n American films can be seen in many countries all over the world. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang n Hollywood films are sometimes criticised for being pure entertainment: –romance and excitement –no “ art ” and no “ meaning ”

5 Movies n American film classification system: –G (suitable for any age) –PG (some material may not be suitable for children) –PG-13 (a stronger warning than PG) –R (children under 17 are only allowed to see these films if they are with a parent) –NC-17 (children under 17 are not allowed to see these films)

6 Music n Rock music –developed in America in the 1950s from African-American music styles n Pop music –singers are usually very good looking! boy bands (Backstreet Boys, Human Nature) sexy girls (Brittany Spears, etc)

7 Music n Country music –one of the most popular styles of music in Ameria n Hip Hop music –mainly black performers –but popular (now) with both black and white listeners

8 Music n Electronic music –made with a computer often uses samples of sound from real instruments –may or may not have singing –some is very popular for dancing

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