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Involving Students in School Using Technology Christopher I. Cobitz, Ph.D. Instructional technology specialist NC A&T State University Materials at:

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Presentation on theme: "Involving Students in School Using Technology Christopher I. Cobitz, Ph.D. Instructional technology specialist NC A&T State University Materials at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Involving Students in School Using Technology Christopher I. Cobitz, Ph.D. Instructional technology specialist NC A&T State University Materials at: NCAECT2001

2 What? Outcast students –Anti social behavior –Discipline –Failures –Gender achievement gap High School –Often boys

3 Why? No place Not the same Not succeeding BORING Turned off

4 The worst student! Social outcast No friends Discipline problem Hacker Now makes $150,000/year (no college degree)

5 Things to do Involve Help them enjoy Understand they are kids Help them fit in Find a strength

6 Some practical examples Build a website –I like me!

7 Bob! I like Nascar I hunt I can tune a car even one that hasn’t run in years

8 More Give them a positive place –Technology assistants –Mentor –Mouse ball cleaner –Printer monitor

9 Interesting activities Video cameras –A day in the life Very useful in understanding Stop rewriting- word process –Change instead of redo –Good words look good –Ideas not words

10 Get artistic How would you feel if you never got to be creative? –Illustrate –Highlight –Draw –Cartoon –Clip art

11 Let them win! Give them a specialty –Even if they aren’t the best –Ever keep losing to the same person? Pushing tin Let them use that software –Several like algeblaster

12 Unique activities Inference – –It is different –It is active!

13 Webquests Yea I know…. Active involvement The student does not have to sit and listen, they need to sit and work A change of pace

14 Old favorites Kid Pix –Draw –Color –Letter books Thinking things –WOW!

15 Writing Web pages! –Gives realistic audience –May assist in getting student attention –Articles of choosing

16 On-line projects Netmeeting Chat Pen pals Share a picture of a pet What did you get for your last birthday?

17 Simulate don’t resitate Simulations are worth a thousand detentions Tie in emotions Could even buy time (civil war)

18 What if? Databases –Allow you to ask the student higher order questions –Stimulating –Not necessarily one right answer

19 The answer is? Spreadsheets –Graphical representation tool –Number phobia now picture phobia? –How many numbers to make a picture? –How many pictures to make a number?

20 What’s the point? Computers and video technology help us do things different We have traditionally not reached certain students If we change and vary our methods, we are more likely to reach others

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