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牛津版 高一模块一 Unit 2 英语课件. Unit 2 Growing pains Welcome to the unit.

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Presentation on theme: "牛津版 高一模块一 Unit 2 英语课件. Unit 2 Growing pains Welcome to the unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 牛津版 高一模块一 Unit 2 英语课件

2 Unit 2 Growing pains Welcome to the unit

3 Questionnaire 1.Do you think your parents understand you? 2. Do you and your parents have common interests and hobbies? 3. Do they ask for your opinions over some family issues? 4. Do they always force you to do things you don’t like to do? 5. Do you often quarrel with your parents ? 6. Do you and your parents often talk to each or have fun together? Yes. No. Very often. Often. Sometimes. Never. Rarely( 极少 )

4 Is there anything you like very much while your parents don’t like? Do your parents often force you to do something you don’t like? Please give me some examples.

5 Pop music Hip hop Street dance Things I like while my parents hate: Pop stars Activities my parents like while I hate. Old songs Generation gap Growing pains Computer games Go shopping doing houseworkChat on line Comic books Study all the time Attending classes in holidays

6 12 34 Picture talking Describe the pictures with your own words to your group members, and try to make up a story of it.

7 Picture 1

8 What does the boy do? What is the mother doing? How is she probably feeling? What feelings may the boy have? Picture 1 He turns up his music so loud. She is shouting at him. Angry. He feels embarrassed/sorry and was at a loss.

9 Picture 2

10 What happens to the girl with a bag? What did her parents ask her to do? Can you guess what might have happened to her? What will she do? Picture 2 She comes late to home. They asked her to be home by 6 o’clock. She may explain it to her parents. not later than

11 Picture 3

12 Why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady? What does the girl want to do? Is she allowed to do so? Why or why not? What feelings may the girl have? Picture 3 They are asking her for her signature. She wants her signature too. She is not allowed to do so because his mother thinks it’s a waste of time. She may feel pitiful/regretful. She may be angry with his mother.

13 Picture 4

14 What is the boy probably doing? Did the boy do well in his exams? How does his mother feel about the score? What feelings may the boy have? Picture 4 He is probably playing computer games. No. She feels upset and angry. The boy may feel sorry and upset.

15 Good parents in your eyes kind, loving, humorous, strict, open-minded, fair, understanding, patient, learned, helpful, forgiving 幽默的 充满爱心的 公平的 耐心的博学 的 宽宏大量的 思想开放的 善解人意的

16 While some of you always complain that your parents don’t understand you, how much do you know about your parents?

17 While some of you always complain that your parents don’t understand you, how much do you know about your parents?

18 Do you know what your mother’ favorite food is? Do you know what your father’s favorite sport was when he was at your age?

19 Do you remember to call back home to express your gratitude and best wishes for them on their birthdays? Do you remember your father’s and mother’s birthdays?

20 You know little about your parents … !

21 When your parents don’t understand you, please try to think from the angles (角度) of your parents. Your parents truly love you ! You will become parents one day!

22 parents children If parents and children want to get along well with each other, they should… love respect learn from each other understand help

23 happy families

24 No growing pains

25 Grow up without pains but happiness 25

26 When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to? Why? Think about the following questions:

27 Homework: Please write a letter to your teacher about: 1.Good parents in my eyes 2.Good children that I try to be (80-100 words are fine)


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