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STARTER: Recap of previous learning Who was responsible for the Depression in 1929? EXTENSION: 1. Consider your list and rank your points in order of importance.

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Presentation on theme: "STARTER: Recap of previous learning Who was responsible for the Depression in 1929? EXTENSION: 1. Consider your list and rank your points in order of importance."— Presentation transcript:

1 STARTER: Recap of previous learning Who was responsible for the Depression in 1929? EXTENSION: 1. Consider your list and rank your points in order of importance 2. Identify links between causes.

2 Learning Outcomes: RAG You will have picked out arguments for and against each group. You will have organised your ideas within a PEA structure You will reach a judgment assessing the level of blame for each group - using the scales graphic EXTENSION: Events will be organised in order of importance and links between causes may be identified. Next Lesson and homework: You will write an essay in answer to the question ‘Who was responsible for the Depression?” hitting your grade target, using the appropriate writing frame. Learning Objectives : To identify and assess the culpability of individual groups for the global depression 1929 – 1933. Through the completion of a carousel activity. EXTENSION :Rank each of your groups in order of importance You will start to identify links between causes Next Lesson and homework: To understand the differences between an E-D grade, D-C grade, B-A grade essay response.

3 Carousel Activity: To identify and assess the culpability (blame) of individual groups There are 5 groups that we will investigate today: BusinessmenPresident Hoover Workers European Economy Unions EXTENSION:Capitalists

4 Carousel Activity: To identify and assess the culpability (blame) of individual groups 1. Read through each of the source sheets for the below groups: BusinessmenPresident Hoover/Republicans Capitalists Workers European Economy Unions 2. Identify how much each group can be blamed for causing the depression. Record your argument in the table, within a ‘point / evidence / analysis’ structure. Try to provide a balanced argument where possible. 3. Assess the extent to which each group is to blame and show your judgement visually, through the completion of the scales weight. EXTENSION - Having ranked the groups from the most significant to the least significant cause, identify links between them.

5 EG: Businessmen FOR AGAINST POINT: The American public blamed the "Three B's: "Bankers, Brokers & Businessmen Evidence: Historicans: Friedman and Schwartz: RURAL ECONOMY: Farmers blamed the banks: “With low crop prices and high debt the “banks raised interest rates… loans skyrocketed …… [leading to farmers].. defaulting on their loan repayments” URBAN ECONOMY: Structually weak and made risky investment Choices: “….failing to maintain adequate reserves …investing heavily in the stock market or making risky loans. (Eg. Germany &Germany Latin AmericaLatin America).” Analysis: the banking system was not well Prepared to absorb the shock of a major recession. POINT: Communists argue that the Capitalist system is to blame for the Depression. Evidence: ”it is a reflection of the boom/bust cycle inherent in a system of private ownership and profit … bosses will always seek to take more from workers and that this leads eventually to a reduction in the level of profit” Analysis: the capitalist system is to blame because it dictates the actions of individuals within this system. ALSO: FARMERS ARE TO BLAME: The Farmers can also be blamed for over borrowing to buy land/stock and defaulting on their loan repayments. “Small banks, tied to the agricultural economy, were in constant crisis in the 1920s with their customers defaulting on loans”


7 AFTER 10 MINUTES.. Reflecting on progress so far … Learning Outcomes: RAG You will have picked out arguments for and against each group. You will have organised your ideas within a PEA structure You will reach a judgment assessing the level of blame for each group - using the scales graphic EXTENSION You will rank each of your groups in order of importance You will start to identify links between causes

8 President Hoover/Republicans FOR AGAINST POINT: Evidence: Analysis: POINT: Evidence: Analysis: ALSO:

9 Workers FOR AGAINST POINT: Evidence: Analysis: POINT: Evidence: Analysis: ALSO:

10 European Economy FOR AGAINST POINT: Evidence: Analysis: POINT: Evidence: Analysis: ALSO:

11 Unions FOR AGAINST POINT: Evidence: Analysis: POINT: Evidence: Analysis: ALSO:

12 Capitalists FOR AGAINST POINT: Evidence: Analysis: POINT: Evidence: Analysis: ALSO:

13 Plenary: Quantifying the culpability of each group? Complete the summative table on your worksheet: Rank the groups in order of importance explaining the reasons for your choice: EXTESNION: Identify links between causes Ranking in order Explanation of order EXTENSION Links Businessmento capitalist system Capitalism Unions Workers President Hoover European Economy

14 Reflecting on progress at the end of the lesson … Learning Outcomes: RAG You will have picked out arguments for and against each group. You will have organised your ideas within a PEA structure You will reach a judgment assessing the level of blame for each group - using the scales graphic EXTENSION You will rank each of your groups in order of importance You will start to identify links between causes

15 Final Thought: How does today’s learning link to our next lesson and the A Level Exam? Level Mark Scheme Assess ment Target Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Who was responsibl e for the Depressio n? Assessing the skill of HISTORIC AL CAUSATI ON

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