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The End of the Cold War Soviets in Decline.

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Presentation on theme: "The End of the Cold War Soviets in Decline."— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of the Cold War Soviets in Decline

2 Soviet Union Declines Severe Economic Problems
Collectivized agriculture was incredibly unproductive Supply shortages and low-quality consumer goods Inefficient command economy (consumer needs go unmet)

3 Soviet Union Declines Military Budget
Arms race put a strain on Soviet economy War in Afghanistan damages moral and economy

4 Soviet Union Declines Soviet War with Afghanistan
During the Cold War, both sides competed for alliances Soviets attempted to modernize Afghanistan, but instead many Afghanis felt their traditions were threatened. Americans helped the Afghanis, whose mountain guerilla tactics resisted the Soviets Known as the Soviet Vietnam

5 Soviet Union Declines Government reform under Mikhail
Gorbachev (1980s) Glasnost, or openness – ended censorship Perestroika, or restructuring – introduced some market economy Signals an end to Communism and the Cold War

6 Soviet Union Declines Empire Crumbles
Soviet reform actually damaged the economy more Soviet Satellites broke away from the USSR USSR falls in 1991 Redrew the world map – Russia is the largest country of the old Soviet Union

7 Eastern European Nations Reform
Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and soon Germany reunited Poland, Hungary, Romania end Communist rule Czechoslovakia ended Communism and then partitioned, or split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Self-Determination)

8 Communism Declines Around the World
China introduced some free market economy, and their economy boomed Communist North Korea became isolated United States emerged from the Cold War as the world’s sole superpower

9 Modern World Predict/Discuss: How do you think the Cold War has led to modern-day conflict?

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