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March Bell Questions. Monday March 7 th – page 332-3 Why was the Berlin Wall built? Why are there still divisions between East and West Berliners? How.

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Presentation on theme: "March Bell Questions. Monday March 7 th – page 332-3 Why was the Berlin Wall built? Why are there still divisions between East and West Berliners? How."— Presentation transcript:

1 March Bell Questions

2 Monday March 7 th – page 332-3 Why was the Berlin Wall built? Why are there still divisions between East and West Berliners? How have things changed in recent years for Berlin? Tuesday March 8 th – page 334 How is Germany and Europe’s population problem different than other places? What are problems that have/will happen because of Germany’s population change? Why might this population problem be a good thing for the world? Wednesday March 9 th – page 330-1 Why does Germany has such a strong economy? - explain After reading the “Issues and Challenges” section, which issue do you think will have the biggest impact in Germany and why? Thursday March 10 th – ALPS READING – see Moodle What have people of the Alps gained from the skiing industry? How has skiing affected the land and environment of the Alps? How has the decline of farming in skiing regions increased danger? Friday March 11 th – page 338-9 – What are: Soviet Bloc, Baltic Countries, exclave How did Kaliningrad become part of Russia/USSR?

3 Monday March 14 th – From Video – What was life like in Poland under communism? How did the Pope inspire the Polish people? What is solidarity? Or page 338-41 – What was life like in Poland under communism? What is Poland Like today? What is “Solidarity?” Tuesday March 15 th – Page 342-3 – Define Complementary region, Explain how Czech Republic and Slovakia are complementary regions. --- map 343 – What do you think are the cultural reasons that lead to the creation of these different countries? Wednesday March 16 th – page 357 – Define – Microstates Why has San Marino been able to survive as a country? What is unique about the leadership of Vatican City? Friday March 18 th – Write on Thursday – page 354 – How do place-names help geographers learn about the past? What do place-names tell us about the history of the Iberian Peninsula? What does the map indicate about the Moors invasion? Monday March 21 st – page 362-3 – Define enclave, Why are there Muslims in the Balkan Peninsula? Why is there so much fighting in the Balkans?

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