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The Magellan Venus Probe Frank Koconis. Contents Venus compared to Earth Earlier exploration of Venus The problem: How to map the surface The Magellan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Magellan Venus Probe Frank Koconis. Contents Venus compared to Earth Earlier exploration of Venus The problem: How to map the surface The Magellan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Magellan Venus Probe Frank Koconis

2 Contents Venus compared to Earth Earlier exploration of Venus The problem: How to map the surface The Magellan Mission Working at JPL

3 Venus Compared to Earth EarthVenus Diameter12,742 km12,104 km Distance from Sun150,000,000 km108,000,000 km “Day” (rotation period)1 day243 days Year365 days228 days Surface gravity1 G0.9 G Atmospheric compositionN 2 (77%), O 2 (21%), Ar (1%), C0 2 (0.4%) C0 2 (96%), N 2 (3%), traces of other gasses Atmospheric pressure1.092 Average surface temperature15° C (59° F)477° C (891° F)

4 Earlier Exploration of Venus From Earth, all we see is the clouds ->

5 Earlier Exploration of Venus (cont.) So we have sent many unmanned probes there NameYearSent ByNotes Mariner 21962USAFly-by at 34,745 km Venera 41967Russia (USSR)Entered atmosphere Mariner 51967USAFly-by at 4023 km Venera 51969Russia (USSR)Descended into atmosphere by parachute Venera 61969Russia (USSR)Descended into atmosphere by parachute Venera 71970Russia (USSR)Soft-landed on surface; survived 23 min. Venera 81972Russia (USSR)Soft-landed on surface Mariner 101973USAFly-by en-route to Mercury Venera 91975Russia (USSR)Soft-landed and transmitted pictures Venera 101975Russia (USSR)Landed; transmitted pictures for 65 min. Pioneer 121978USAOrbited and mapped surface using radar Pioneer 131978USAEntered atmosphere

6 Earlier Exploration of Venus (cont.) …more than to any other planet NameYearSent ByNotes Venera 111978Russia (USSR)Soft-landed Venera 121978Russia (USSR)Soft-landed but failed to return images Venera 131981Russia (USSR)Soft-landed and sent color images Venera 141981Russia (USSR)Drilled into soil and took seismic readings Venera 151983Russia (USSR)Orbiter; mapped surface using radar Venera 161983Russia (USSR)Orbiter; mapped surface using radar Vega 11984Russia (USSR)Dropped balloon probe en-route to Halley’s Vega 21984Russia (USSR)Dropped balloon probe en-route to Halley’s

7 The Surface of Venus (Venera 9)

8 The Problem: How to Map the Surface You can’t see through the clouds BUT- Radar can go through Using radar to map the topography of Venus – Earth-based radar: many attempts starting in the 1940’s – Pioneer 12: produced a map with about 100 km resolution – Venera 15 and 16: produced map with 2 km resolution – Magellan

9 The Magellan Mission Named after Ferdinand Magellan – Led first round-the-globe voyage (1519 – 1522) – Killed in a dispute between tribes in the Philippines, but one of his ships completed the trip Magellan mission to Venus – Developed by the Jet Propulsion Lab and Martin Marietta – Launched on May 4, 1989 – Reached Venus on August 7, 1990 – End of mission: October 13, 1994

10 The Magellan Mission- The Probe

11 The Magellan Mission- Launch

12 The Magellan Mission- Getting There

13 The Magellan Mission- Mapping Venus

14 The Magellan Mission- Polar Orbit

15 The Magellan Mission- Results Goal was to map 70% of surface, to 100m resolution Actually mapped 98%!

16 The Magellan Mission- Results

17 The Magellan Mission- Aphrodite Terra

18 The Magellan Mission- Maat Mons

19 The Magellan Mission- Addams Crater

20 The Magellan Mission- My Role On-board computer was called CDS (Command and Data Subsystem) – Much less powerful than a smartphone – Operated the probe with no assistance from Earth – New instructions sent once per week My role: testing the CDS (1984 – 1985) – CDS needed to detect and handle failures in spacecraft components – To test this, a rack of test computers was built, each acting as one component of the probe – Our team programmed these test computers

21 Working at JPL

22 JPL: The Campus

23 JPL: Spacecraft Assembly Facility

24 JPL: Deep-Space Network Three sites: California, Australian and Spain

25 JPL: Tracking Facility

26 JPL: Museum Ranger 7 Pioneer 1Explorer 1

27 Frank Koconis Education – Myers Park High School: Class of 1980 – Georgia Institute of Technology: Class of 1984 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, with High Honors – University of NC at Charlotte: 1992 Master of Science in Computer Science Attended evening classes while working full time After JPL… – JPL was my first job after Georgia Tech – Since then, I have worked in many different industries including telecommunications, textiles, government, teaching, petroleum and banking – Currently working for Syncsort

28 Questions? Web Links propulsion-lab/

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