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L3 - This source portrays a Stalin who is to be hailed as the leader because the has people from around the world who are admiring him. This can be inferred.

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Presentation on theme: "L3 - This source portrays a Stalin who is to be hailed as the leader because the has people from around the world who are admiring him. This can be inferred."— Presentation transcript:

1 L3 - This source portrays a Stalin who is to be hailed as the leader because the has people from around the world who are admiring him. This can be inferred from the source which has the map of the world at the back and people wearing difference national costumes standing around him. Besides, Stalin is standing up high above the rest symbolising that he is to be held in high esteem. (3-4) L4 - The poster has a propaganda purpose. Its purpose is to show the Russians that Stalin’s industrialization programme has brought them success and recognition all round the world. Thus, they should continue to work hard and fulfil Stalin’s targets. (5)

2 L3 - The two sources are similar in portraying that industrialization would help develop USSR and elevate its status to a level beyond the other countries. In Source A, this can be inferred by Stalin appearing to be towering above the rest of the people from other part of the world, as distinguished by the national clothes they are wearing. The map of the world behind Stalin adds on to this inference. In Source C, Stalin explains the reason for industrialization as being the tool them to ‘overtake and outstrip’ the countries ‘economically’. (3-4)

3 L4 - The sources, however, differ in their approach to achieve this recognition. In Source A, it does not indicate any approach to take to achieve industrialisation but by portraying a towering figure of Stalin and stating that they love Stalin, it indicates that he is the tool to achieve this target. In Source B, however, it indicates that the USSR has to achieve this through ‘advanced technology’ to help them economically. (4-5)

4 L5 - The sources have a similar purpose, that is, both have a propaganda purpose. In Source A, by symbolising Stalin as the towering figure above the rest of the world and the caption, it is persuading the people of USSR to support his industrialization programme. In Source B, Stalin, himself, is persuading the people by telling them how industrialization will make USSR rise above the capitalist countries. (5-6)

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