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Transitioning to College Revised 8/2013. Roadmap to College.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to College Revised 8/2013. Roadmap to College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning to College Revised 8/2013

2 Roadmap to College

3 Roadmap: Reflection  Before we get started with the heart of the presentation, please take out a piece of paper and a pen. How do you feel about graduating? When looking back at your roadmap to college, of what are you most proud? Do a three-minute quickwrite about this.

4 Congratulations!!!

5 Agenda AcademicFinancialPersonal

6 Academic: On Your Mark OrientationAdvisingRegistration

7 Academic: On Your Mark OrientationAdvisingRegistration

8 Academic: On Your Mark OrientationAdvisingRegistration

9 1079 Options: Registration  The college will assign you a student number.  Use the student number for registration and for communicating with the college.  If you are asked for your social security number, leave it blank or enter all zeroes.  Advisers have no right to ask you if you are a 1079 student, and you do not have to answer.

10 Academic: Get Set Prepare to Study Meet study partners Set goals Set expectations Identify habits Identify needs Prevent Procrastination Identify when/why Vary activities Start with the worst Utilize tutoring hours Reward yourself

11 Academic: GO! (to class)

12 Academic: Sample College Calendar Mon:Tue:Wed:Thur:Fri: 9 SOC 1109Work9SOC 1109Work9 SOC 110 – Paper topic statement due 10 MATH 20010 MATH 200 – EXAM!10 MATH 200 – No homework. 11 12 Work12 Work12 1 1111 POLS 150 2 222Paper due!2 3 3333 4 4444 5 5555 6 6666 7 Study7 7 7 7 Math exam (Weds)Math ExamPOLS 150 paperSOC 110 topic statement 8 Pols 150 reading and paper SOC 8SOC 110 reading8 8MATH 200 homework8 SOC 110 reading POLS 150 reading and paper SOC 110 topic statement 9 9 999 10

13 Agenda AcademicFinancialPersonal

14 Financial Fees Scholarships Loan Counseling Budgeting Work Financial Aid Participate in College Financial Literacy: Stretching Student Aid workshop

15 Financial: 1079 Scholarship Sites

16 Financial: 1079 Scholarship Sites          TALK TO THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU!  CREATE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITIES!

17 Financial: Credit Cards

18 Financial: Maintaining Financial Aid Eligibility  File the FAFSA every year  Check credit enrollment requirements for your financial aid  Must be enrolled half-time to receive Pell Grants and student loans  Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  Stay out of trouble with the law  Drug convictions  Incarceration

19 Agenda AcademicFinancialPersonal


21 Personal: Finding Support Adviser Disability Services Office Health Center Resident Adviser (RA) Tutoring Center Writing Center Cultural/Religious Affinity Clubs Student Support/ Counseling Center Professors/Teaching Assistants

22 Personal: Finding Support – 1079 students DREAMers Groups Undocumented Students on Campus Advocate LEAP Office of Minority Affairs

23 Review

24 Review: You Can Go to College!  You are not alone.  This won’t be easy, but you can do it.  Get comfortable asking for help.  Be creative. Be entrepreneurial.  You can do this!

25 Review: Reflection  On that same sheet of paper you used earlier, do a three-minute quickwrite on the following:  What are your hopes about going to college?  What are you worried about, if anything?  What questions do you still have?

26 Resources  Other Workshops (  Applying to College  Paying for College  Scholarship Strategies  College Financial Literacy: Stretching Student Aid  Student Loans 101: Know Before You Borrow

27 A nonprofit corporation, USA Funds ® works to enhance postsecondary education preparedness, access and success by providing and supporting financial and other valued services.

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