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Green Jasper (Bloodstones) By Kenny Nissan & Nikko Andriotis Period 1A-1.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Jasper (Bloodstones) By Kenny Nissan & Nikko Andriotis Period 1A-1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Jasper (Bloodstones) By Kenny Nissan & Nikko Andriotis Period 1A-1

2 Background Information Green jasper is a green stone with red spots on it. It also occurs in different shades of dark green with red, brown, and other multicolored spots. The iron minerals cause the deep red an brown colors in it. Bloodstone is dark green variety of the silica mineral. Polished sections of it show red spots on the dark green background. The hardness of Green Jasper is a 6.5 to 7, which makes it easy to carve into.

3 Where it is Found Green Jasper is found in many places around the world. It is primarily found and mined in India, Australia, U.S, Germany, Scotland, Russia, Brazil, China, and Czech Republic. Within the U.S, it is found and mined in Georgia, Maryland, California, Nevada, and Texas. Our specific location is in California.

4 What is it used for? It is often used for both men’s and women’s jewelry, such as pendants, necklaces and bracelets etc... Back in the day people thought that it helped stop bleeding, especially nosebleeds. It is still until today used to cure medical situations in India.

5 Impact Mining Green Jasper is a highly dangerous thing. Green Jasper is found in high and deep mountains such as the Arathi Highlands and also the Stonetalon Mountains etc…It is also found around the dangerous border of the Ragnaro’s domain. Bloodstones have a great impact on what you can create from them as well. They can create weapons and armor, while made by a smither that mixes the jasper with iron. While miners are trying to mine this mineral through a deep mountain, they can either get killed if they are not to cautious or they can get severely injured. This is also dependant on how old the mountain is and what shape it is in.

6 Work Cited  Aaron. "Lesser Bloodstone Ore." N.A, 16 Oct. 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2009..  "Bloodstones." Birthstones. N.A. Web. 15 Nov. 2009..  "New Jewelry." Since 1973 The Voyagers Jewelry Design. The Voyagers Jewelry Design, Apr. 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2009..

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