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NSTX Team Meeting March 21, 2007 Supported by Office of Science College W&M Colorado Sch Mines Columbia U Comp-X General Atomics INEL Johns Hopkins U LANL.

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Presentation on theme: "NSTX Team Meeting March 21, 2007 Supported by Office of Science College W&M Colorado Sch Mines Columbia U Comp-X General Atomics INEL Johns Hopkins U LANL."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSTX Team Meeting March 21, 2007 Supported by Office of Science College W&M Colorado Sch Mines Columbia U Comp-X General Atomics INEL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Nova Photonics New York U Old Dominion U ORNL PPPL PSI Princeton U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Maryland U Rochester U Washington U Wisconsin Culham Sci Ctr U St. Andrews York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAERI Hebrew U Ioffe Inst RRC Kurchatov Inst TRINITI KBSI KAIST ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep

2 Time: 1:30 ~ 3:00, Place LSB-318, March 21, 2007 General Items Outage updates Research Plan NSTX Team Meeting Agenda

3 ES&H Issues (J. Levine) The NSTX Project has earned the Commissioner's Continued Excellence Award from the State of New Jersey for performance in 2006 for working 6 consecutive years without an away from work lost time injury/illness case. (J. Levine) Lockout/Tagout Training (Needed for the NTC access) Hazard Awareness Training (W. Slavin) File Proper Visitor Forms (J. Savino) Safely, Safely, Safely

4 Plasma Operation To Start on March 27!

5 FY 2009 OFES Budget Planning Meeting Hilton Gaithersburg, 620 Perry Parkway, March 13-14, 2007 Tuesday, March 13 8:30 a.m.Opening CommentsR. Fonck 8:45 a.m.ITER Project and USIPO ActivitiesJ.Hoy/N. Sauthoff 10:05 a.m.Overview of BPOJ. Van Dam 10:20 a.m.ITER Design Review (Physics)R. Hawryluk 11:00 a.m.DIII-D: IntroductionD. Hill 11:10 a.m.DIII-D Research PlansM. Wade 11:35 a.m.University Research on DIII-DG. McKee 11:50 a.m. DIII-D Program, Budget, SchedulesT. Taylor 12:05 p.m.GA Institutional IssuesR.Stambaugh 1:25 p.m.C-Mod Research Plans and BudgetE.Marmar 1:55 p.m.MIT Institutional Issues M. Porkolab 2:15 p.m.Spherical Tori: National ST ProgramM. Peng 2:35 p.m.NSTX Research Results and PlansD. Gates 2.55 p.m.NSTX Facility and Budget Plans M. Ono 3:35 p.m.National Compact Stellarator Program M. Zarnstorff 4:00 p.m.NCSX StatusH. Neilson 4.20 p.m.PPPL Institutional Issues R. Hawryluk

6 FY 2009 OFES Budget Planning Meeting Hilton Gaithersburg, 620 Perry Parkway, March 13-14, 2007 4:40 p.m.ICC Issues/Challenges G. Wurden 5:10 p.m.MST Plans/Institutional Issues S. Prager Wednesday, March 14 8:30 a.m.Enabling R&D Issues/Challenges/Plans S. Milora 9:40 a.m. Plasma Science Centers Multiscale Plasma Dynamics W. Dorland 10:00 a.m. Extreme States of Matter and Fast Ign R. Betti 10:45 a.m.HEDP: Issues/Challenges/Plans G. Logan 11:15 a.m.IFE: Issues/Challenges/PlansM. Campbell 12:55 p.m.International Collaboration UpdateE. Oktay 1:25 p.m.Theory Program Overview C. Bolton 1:40 p.m.Theory Issues/Plans P. Catto 2:25 p.m.Update on SciDAC J. Mandrekas

7 Productive Collaborative Research Team PPPLUS CollabForeign Research Staff5085*35 Post Doctoral Staff060 Graduate Students**877 Undergrad Students6 NSTX Research Team* Includes those funded directly by theory and VLT ** Thirteen Ph.D. Thesis students FY 06 was a very productive year: 70 Refereed Journal Paper Publications 52 invited papers at major [APS, IAEA, EPS] and topical meetings (HTPD, RF, PSI) 6 PRLs on four ITER-relevant key research topics ( RWM, Momentum transport, Multi-energetic particle modes, MHD driven fast particle transport) + CTF-relevant solenoid-free start-up with CHI 34 post-docs and students


9 ASIPP-PPPL Collaborations Underway Members of ASIPP (Drs. Jiangang Li, Baonian Wan, Shijun Du) visited PPPL in last week to work on the PPPL-ASIPP collaboration activities MOU between PPPL and ASIPP on Plasma Physics and Magnetic Confinement Fusion is in place: -Joint team participates in experiments on NSTX, EAST, and NCSX -PPPL to assist ASIPP on diagnostic systems and make available some TFTR diagnostic components -PPPL to assist ASIPP on ICRF & LHCD system designs for EAST -PPPL to assist ASIPP on theoretical tools such as TRANSP and Gyrokinetic simulations. -ASIPP to review the design, conduct R&D, manufacture and test the NSTX spare OH solenoid coil Dennis Mueller visited the EAST tokamak in China and it achieved first plasma in September 2006 and shaped plasma  ~ 1.8 in January 2007. Dennis Mueller (PPPL) and Gary Jackson (GA, DIII-D) lent their operational experience, in support of the rapid progress in going from engineering tests of coil systems to producing plasmas.

10 ~ Dec. 20, 2006Initial brainstorming on key research opportunities for the next 5 years Jan. 15, 2007Input from theory community for theory/modeling support Feb. 2007Mini-meetings to identify key research opportunities March 2007Develop preliminary upgrade cost estimates (manager’s estimates) April 2007Develop draft plan for key approaches in support of opportunities April 2007Develop and review outline for the draft plan April 2007Team meeting to review approaches and opportunities July 2007Initial draft plan ready August 2007Team discussion of the initial draft plan Sept. 17-19, 2007Tokamak Planning Workshop at MIT Jan. 2008NSTX PAC reviews the draft plan Feb. 2008Final draft plan ready for review by the team April 1, 2008Final plan (document) ready 1 wk before reviewFinal presentation material ready ~ May 2008 (TBD)New 5 Year Plan Review meeting Draft Plan for Developing the Next 5 Year Plan FY2009 - 2013

11 Six Mini-workshops held for the next NSTX Five Year Plan LeadMini-Workshop Date BoundaryR. MaingiFeb. 12, 9:00 ~ 5:00 pm Waves & ParticlesG. TaylorFeb. 13, 9:00 ~ noon IntegrationJ. MenardFeb. 16, 1:00 ~ 5:00 pm T&TS. KayeFeb. 19, 1:00 ~ 5:00 pm MHDS. SabbaghFeb. 23, 1:00 ~ 5:00 pm Adv, DiagnosticsB. StrattonFeb. 27, 1:00 ~ 5:00 pm *Start-up is included in T&T and Integration In addition, there will be a mini-workshop on “Fusion Energy Sciences Development using ST" during March-April with details to be announced. (M. Peng) We thank your contributions to this important planning process. This is only the first step for the long range planning process which will continue to the spring of 2008. If you have any good ideas and suggestions, please let the respective science topical leaders know. For more information:

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