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Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans in Minnesota.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans in Minnesota."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans in Minnesota

2 State Overview Agriculture in Minnesota “Diverse” Dairy, Beef, Swine, Poultry “Regionalized” Pockets of the same type of livestock production Livestock are concentrated in the southern half of the state

3 State Overview Northern Minnesota Lowest Animal Numbers Smaller Beef and Dairy Farms Northeast Lakes and Woodlands Grazing Northwest Small Grains Sugar Beets

4 State Overview South central and Southwestern –Swine production areas Minnesota ranks #3 –Flatter, tile drained fields –Corn & Soybeans

5 State Overview Central & Southeastern –Dairy, Beef and Alfalfa Production Areas –Minnesota ranks #6 in milk cows #12 in all cattle and calves –Majority of our assistance Feedlot fixes CNMPs –Ground and surface waters in both of these area are highly vulnerable to contamination

6 State Overview Southeast Minnesota –Karst Features Shallow Bedrock Sinkholes Springs –Trout Streams –Drains to Mississippi River

7 State Overview Central Minnesota –Coarse textured soils –Irrigation –Lakes –Mississippi River –Specialty Crops

8 State Overview Central Minnesota Also the major poultry production area Minnesota Ranks #1 – Turkeys #11 – All Chickens Work very little with poultry operations Don’t need storage Much of the manure is sold and applied commercially

9 CNMPs in Minnesota Majority are developed by NRCS staff –Overall CNMP coordination and development –Manure and wastewater handling and storage site assessments –Land treatment evaluations –Feed management (fact sheets and self assessments) –Other utilization options Exceptions:Exceptions: Recordkeeping (producers responsibility)Recordkeeping (producers responsibility) –Nutrient management plans Majority are developed by TSPsMajority are developed by TSPs Some by Soil and Water Conservation District employeesSome by Soil and Water Conservation District employees

10 CNMP Facility Assessments

11 CNMP Facility Assessments Basic Information Gathered Basic Information Gathered Sketch of existing lots and structures Manure handling needs Animal housing and management Present and planned number and type of animals Minimum storage period required

12 CNMP Facility Assessments Items Addressed Surface Water Pollution Potential Feedlot runoff Milk parlor wash water discharge Silage leachate

13 CNMP Facility Assessments Items Addressed Ground Water Pollution Potential Presence of sinkholes Water well location and construction Leaking storage ponds or tanks Contaminated runoff

14 CNMP Facility Assessments Items Addressed Mortality Management Rendering Burial Composting Incineration Drag into woods? Bury in water table of gravel pit?

15 CNMP Facility Assessments Items Addressed Storage Facilities Current and needed storage volume capacity Design and construction of existing structures Visible signs of problems or contamination

16 CNMP Facility Assessments Items Addressed Odors Complaints from neighbors Proximity to neighbors or cities Safety Issues Unfenced storage Entry points to confined spaces

17 CNMP Facility Assessments Items Addressed Emergency Response Plan Spills Safety Issues O&M Plan

18 CNMP Tools in Minnesota Minnesota NRCS Webpage –Links to all of the necessary tools to develop a nutrient management plan and a CNMP –Extremely helpful when working with TSPs and Producers –Everything in one place –Latest forms and guidance

19 CNMP Tools in Minnesota CNMP Template –Word document Fill in the blank and pull downs

20 CNMP Template Provides a standardized format –7 pages plus appendices includes cover page, table of contents, and signature page

21 CNMP Template Appendices serve as a checklist for remaining info

22 CNMP Tools in Minnesota Nutrient Management Planner for Minnesota computer software Developed jointly by UMES and NRCS Developed jointly by UMES and NRCS

23 Nutrient Management Planner for Minnesota Used by TSPs and producers Setup to walk the planner through the nutrient management plan development process Evaluate acres available and needed for manure application Inventory and evaluate current practices Conduct environmental assessments

24 Nutrient Management Planner for Minnesota Also develops annual plans Prioritize manure application sites Select nutrient sources, rate, timing, placement Tracks applied manure volumes

25 Nutrient Management Planner for Minnesota Includes a CNMP Development Tool Step by Step Planning Guide Includes links to all documentation necessary for all components of the CNMP

26 Nutrient Management Planner for Minnesota Software has either: forms completed by the software Phosphorus loss assessment blank forms for other items not covered in the software Manure and Wastewater Facility Assessment Plus various related fact sheets Feed management

27 CNMP Tools in Minnesota Developed an ArcMap layer of Sensitive Features for Nutrient Management PlanningDeveloped an ArcMap layer of Sensitive Features for Nutrient Management Planning

28 CNMP Tools in Minnesota Surface waters and setbacks Sinkholes Sensitive soil features –Coarse textured –Frequently flooded –High water table –Ponding –Shallow depth to bedrock –Steep slopes DWSMA, WHPA

29 NRCS EQIP Funding Fiscal Year 2010 –Nutrient Management (3 years of payment) –CNMPs (102) Facility Assessments –Completed by a TSP –With MinnFarm (pollution delivery assessment tool) $1856 –Without MinnFarm $1350 –Livestock Producer EQA (Mn Milk Producers) $633 Plans Without Manure$5.54 / yr Plans With Manure$8.54 / yr

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