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New Mexico Computer Science For All Variables and Scope Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski.

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Presentation on theme: "New Mexico Computer Science For All Variables and Scope Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Mexico Computer Science For All Variables and Scope Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski

2 Variables - review Variable: container that holds a value that can be used and changed. Three Steps for Using Variables ▫Declare – allocates the space for the variable and sets the name given to the variable ▫Initialize – set the initial value of the variable ▫Get/Set– Use it in the program or change the value stored in the variable as the program is executed

3 Types of Variables There are three types of NetLogo variables  Local Variables  Agent Variables  Global Variable Differ in scope of where they can be used  Local – used in the block where declared  Agent – used by specific type of agents  Global – used anywhere in the program

4 Local Variables Already discussed at length Can only be used in the procedure or command block where it is declared Can be used by any agent How to Use: ▫Declare and initialize local variables using the let command ▫Use the local variable in an expression or ▫Modify a local variable using the set command

5 Agent Variables Three types of Agent Variables ▫Turtle Variables  Each turtle has its own value for every turtle variable ▫Patch Variables  Each patch has its own value for every patch variable ▫Link Variables  Each link has its own value for every link variable

6 Built-In Agent Variables ▫Some agent variables are built-in to NetLogo  Turtles: color, heading, xcor, ycor, etc.  Patches: pcolor, pxcor, pycor, etc.  Links: color, shape, etc. User-defined variables ▫Can make user defined agent variables by declaring them at the beginning of the program turtles-own [ energy ] patches-own [ grass? ] links-own [ strength ] Agent Variables

7 How to use an agent variable ▫Declare the agent variable if necessary ▫Change/modify the variable using the set command ▫Generally can only be used/set by the specific agent  Turtles  Turtle Variables  Patches  Patch Variable  Link  Link Variables

8 Agent Variables Exceptions ▫An agent can set a different agent's variable by using the ask command. ask patches [……. ask turtle 5 [ set color blue] ;; changes turtle 5’s color to blue …] ▫One agent can read another agent’s variable using the of command show [color] of turtle 5 ;; prints turtle 5’s color ▫A turtle can read and set patch variables of the patch it is standing on directly ask turtles [set pcolor blue] ;;makes patches under all turtles blue

9 Show program with different types of variables

10 Global Variables The is only one value of each global variable at any time You can declare a global variable by ▫Using an input device on the interface tab (switch, slider, chooser or input box) ▫In the code by using the globals keyword at the beginning of the code globals [NumTurtles]

11 Global Variable Can be used and modify ▫At any location in any procedure in the code ▫By any agent Use by using the variable name Modified by the using ▫In the Code with the set command set NumTurtles 100 ▫On the Interface tab with switch, slider, chooser or input box


13 Summary Variable: container to hold a value To use: Declare, Initialize and Use/Modify Three types: ▫Local Variables ▫can be used by any agent but only in the procedure or block it is declared in ▫Agent Variables ▫Each agent has its own value for each agent variable ▫Used only by that specific agent (exceptions) ▫Global Variables ▫Only one value at any time ▫Used by any agent in any procedure

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