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MaliGhanaSwahiliPotpourri Slavery Slave Trade, Etc… 100 200 300 400 500 F.

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2 MaliGhanaSwahiliPotpourri Slavery Slave Trade, Etc… 100 200 300 400 500 F

3 Final Jeopardy The last major nation-state to abolish slavery? Brazil

4 Final Jeopardy A language blending indigenous languages with those of the slaveholder? Creole

5 Mali: 100 Epic story of Mali Epic of Sundiata

6 Mali 200 DOUBLE JEOPARDY Founder of Mali Sundiata

7 Mali: 300 West African trade occurred through? Caravans

8 Mali: 400 Made a great pilgrimage brought Islamic scholarship back to Mali Mansa Musa

9 Mali: 500 Sundiata’s capital? Niani

10 Ghana:100 Capital city Koumbi-Saleh

11 Ghana: 200 Ghana’s kings converted to this faith (and type) to unify their constituents? Sunni Islam

12 Ghana: 300 Dramatically reduced their power in trade? Nomadic raiders

13 Ghana: 400 Three most important commercial artifacts Gold Ivory Slaves

14 Ghana: 500 Bordered by the Sahara, which translates from Arabic as _______? Desert

15 Swahili:100 Translation? Coasters

16 Swahili: 200 Language of East Africa? Swahili

17 Swahili:300 DAILY DOUBLE Name two Swahili trading cities?

18 Swahili: 400 Primary reason for conversion to Islam Connection into lucrative trade routes

19 Swahili: 500 Arabs called the region al-Zanj, which means? Black

20 Potpurri:100 African Storyteller Griot

21 Potpourri: 200 Africa’s most famous traveler? Ibn Battuta

22 Potpurri: 300 The ______ dramatically increased trade in Africa beginning in _______. Camel, 300 CE

23 Potpourri: 400 Resisted Portuguese intrusion into Kongo? Queen Nzinga

24 Potpourri: 500 Two examples of African Kingdoms Ife and Benin

25 Slavery: 100 Chronicled the misery of Slavery. Olaudah Equiano

26 Slavery:200 First European group to exploit slavery in Africa? Portugal

27 Slavery: 300 Greatest percentage of slaves went to? Brazil

28 Slavery: 400 This empire fell to guns, illustrating the primal need for this type of weapon? Songhay

29 Slavery: 500 Explain the Triangle of Trade?

30 Slave Trade, Etc…:100 How many slaves were exported from Africa by European slave traders between 1500 and 1800? 11-12 million

31 Slave Trade, Etc…: 200 Forced migration of a people? Diaspora

32 Slave Trade, Etc…: 300 Percentage of people who died on the middle passage? 25-50%

33 Slave Trade, Etc…: 400 Number of people taken and sold in Islamic slave trade? 8 million

34 Slave Trade, Etc…: 500 The only successful slave revolt that actually brought an end to Slavery? Saint Domingue (Touissant L’Overture)

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