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Presentation on theme: "Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa

2 “Unless you know the road you’ve
come down, you cannot know where you are going.” -Temne Proverb

3 The African Environment

4 Physical Environment Savannas Mountains Lakes Deserts

5 General Cultural Patterns
Bridewealth Polygyny

6 The Peopling of Africa

7 In the Beginning … Tassili n-Ajjer Teff Noog Sesame Ensete Critters
Iron: Meroe & Nok

8 Bantu Dispersion Cameroon Lake Victoria Ironworking Bananas Yams

9 Ethiopia & NE Africa Aksum Ezana (320-350) Lalibela Made-Siyon Gults
Zar’a Ya’kob

10 Empires of the Western Sudan

11 Ghana Military leader Gold Al-Masudi Salt Slaves Al-Bakri

12 Mali Sumaguru Musa ( ) Ibn Battuta Sulayman

13 Songhai Sunni Ali Askia Muhammad Ahmad al-Mansur

14 Kanem-Bornu Dunama Dibalemi Queen Amina

15 West African Forest Kingdoms
Ife Benin Ozama Oba Ewuare

16 Swahili City-States Coast “Periplus of the Erythrean Sea” Kilwa
Ibn Battuta

17 Kingdoms of Central & Southern Africa
Mapungubwe Great Enclosure Advisers Nyatsimbe Mutota Mwene mutapa Manikongo

18 Conclusion Adaptation Agriculture Herding Ironworking Trade Religion

19 Any Questions?

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