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POLITICAL STRUCTURE AND FOREIGN POLICY DEVELOPMENTS -Tanganyika adopted the political system of the United Kingdom, there would be a Prime Minister, the.

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Presentation on theme: "POLITICAL STRUCTURE AND FOREIGN POLICY DEVELOPMENTS -Tanganyika adopted the political system of the United Kingdom, there would be a Prime Minister, the."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLITICAL STRUCTURE AND FOREIGN POLICY DEVELOPMENTS -Tanganyika adopted the political system of the United Kingdom, there would be a Prime Minister, the elected party would have more seats in the parliament, and there would be a multi-party system (that would include parliamentary opposition). - Nyerere realized soon that type of system might not be the best for Tanganyika. He strongly believed in socialist principles, and argued democracy did not need a multi-party system. - He resigned as a Prime Minister in early 1962, aiming to restructure TANU and change the Tanganyikan constitution.

2 -In 1962 a new constitution was introduced, making Tanganyika a republic and replacing the positions of Prime Minister with President. - Nyerere ran for president, winning 97% of the votes and intending to establish a single-party state. Julius Nyerere in his first visit to the White House. (1963)

3 UNITY WITH ZANZIBAR -In December 1963, Zanzibar became independent from Britain, with the Arab-led Zanzibar Nationalist Party (ZNP). - After a month the ZNP was overthrown and an African nationalist and member of the Afro-Shirazi Party (ASP), took control. - The USSR and China wanted to establish a foothold in Africa. The new government was quickly recognized by a number of communist countries. - Nyerere saw the danger for Tanganyika if foreing powers gained a foothold on an island so close to the mainland. - He moved rapidly to set an alliance with the president of Zanzibar. - In April 1964, Nyerere announced the creation of the United Republic of Tanzania with Nyerere as its President and Karume as Vice-President (the two states retained considerable internal autonomy).


5 THE SINGLE-PARTY STATE -In 1965, under the new constitution, Nyerere announced the establishment of a single-party, that he believed would allow for open debate and democratic system. - The candidates who stood for elections had to meet several conditions, for instance being member of TANU, which was open to anyone who accepted its aims, and have the support of 25 people who could vote. - No one could spend his own money on election campaigns. - No one could campaign on the basis of race, tribe or religion and all candidates had to campaign in Kiswahili (Swahili). NOTE: - Tanzania has been a multiple-party state since 1992. - TANU is still in power.

6 FOREIGN POLICY IN TANZANIA (1961 – 1985) -The assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo and a coup d’état in Togo were seen as the result of foreign involvement in Africa. - Nyerere decided on three main areas: 1 st. Ensure national security through diplomatic means. 2 nd. Give support to the liberation movements in Africa and work for African unity. 3 rd. The pursuance of non-alignment linked to the policies of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the UN. - In order to fulfill the first point, he wanted to merge Tanganyika, Kenya, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda into a regionally unified group.

7 -At the beginning it was a little unsuccessful due to these countries needed to consolidate their own internal stability. - The turning point was the announcement by Nyerere and Karume of the creation of Tanzania, this soon led to closer economic and trade agreements between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

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