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Computers and Society IST 2710 Section 006 Class #6: 2/13/08

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1 Computers and Society IST 2710 Section 006 Class #6: 2/13/08

2 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 62 Assignment 4 Could not do Question E about file sizes with a formatting factor What the formatting size factor is about: oOne byte per character (or 2 bytes for Unicode) is for the text (letters, etc.) only oAny formatting (font, font size, bold, underlined, color, indents, line spacing, spaces before/after paragraph, etc.) is extra – that information must be in the file.

3 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 63 Assignment 4 What the formatting size factor is about: oFormatting information makes the file larger oFormatting information does not take a set amount of room – it is variable oFormatting size factor is my way of taking this into account oMultiply the file size for text only (# characters × bytes per character) by the formatting size factor to get size with formatting added in

4 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 64 Midterm Midterm in two weeks, February 27 oCumulative oTwo hours in class, like two quizzes oWill cover Excel lab next week Question-and-Answer Review next week

5 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 65 Staying for Lab Two or more labs or assignments behind, must stay during Lab to get 100% attendance credit tonight - 3 labs in, and 2 assignments in. Who must stay: oEVERYONE! (Unless you have turned more in tonight).

6 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 66 Turning in Work Do not staple all of your work together oIf I cannot separate it easily, I will turn it back for you to separate Turn each assignment in separately oEach lab oEach homework assignment oEach assignment should be stapled

7 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 67 University closing info All of these: Wayne State University Newsline : 313-577-1498 Wayne State University main website: Pipeline Or sign up for email, text or cell call > services > About WSU Broadcast Messaging

8 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 68 Sound in a Computer Sound wave: Computer microphone captures the wave, then sound board “digitizes” it – measures and stored value at evenly-spaced times These are called “samples”

9 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 69 Sound in a Computer Store all of those samples in a file – how much room does it take? Later. Then read the file back, “play” those samples through a speaker, get the sound back again Computer makes a good sound editor – can splice, split, join, sample, merge on top of each other, etc.

10 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 610 Sound in a Computer How much room: File size in bytes = (length in seconds) × (bytes per sample) × (1 for mono, 2 for stereo) / (compression factor) Example: how many bytes does it take to store a 3-second sound at 8,000 samples per second, one byte per sample, mono, with a compression factor of 15?

11 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 611 Privacy – Chapter 5 Security: keeping hackers away from your information Privacy – making sure that only the people you want have access to your private information Internet information about you oLogins oCookies oInformation on servers – employers can read it

12 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 612 Internet information Packets identify your computer’s IP address oCannot identify you further without your ISP’s cooperation – your ISP can identify you oUnless you sign in somewhere oWeb bug – small graphics file to identify where you are to a third party, by contract Protection oAnonymizer oEmail encryption

13 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 613 Electronic Profiling Collecting a lot of information about you from a lot of sources oNeed a common identifier – SSN is best, so be careful with it Spam – marketing Protection oDo not put email address on a web page, or be careful if you do oBe cautious with personal information

14 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 614 Online Protection Email filtering – sort into folders including junk & phishing Opt out Properly dispose of hardware

15 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 615 Seeing Files and Folders Use either Windows Explorer or My Computer If you use My Computer, you must first click “Folders” to see everything, and then it works like Windows Explorer Windows Explorer still works slightly better, and that is what I will show you

16 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 616 Using Windows Explorer Get and start a laptop Getting it right in the first place Folders in the left pane oClick “+” until you see all of the folders you were supposed to make oThen click the folder icon the file is supposed to be in, see the file in the right pane A file and a folder are different – only files contain information THEN – screen shot

17 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 617 Using Windows Explorer Get and start a laptop Getting it right in the first place Check diskette Fixing things – NEVER START OVER! oDrag a folder to the right place oEditing a folder or file name oSearching – if it is not on your diskette, it is probably in My Documents

18 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 618 Seeing File Extensions Windows Explorer Tools > File Extensions Hide extensions for known file types This also changes whether or not you see file extension in all applications!

19 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 619 Using Calculator for 2 n Start Windows Calculator Scientific View Dec clicked Click these keys: 1.2 2.x^y 3.n

20 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 620 Getting Lab Startup Files #1 Added 2/7/08 Go to the website for all of IST 2710 (different than website just for this section) oTwo ways to do this, use either one: Go to (notice g, not i) OR Go to class website at Scroll down and right-click on the file you need, then …

21 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 621 Getting Lab Startup Files #2 Scroll down and right-click on the file you need, then … On the shortcut menu click on “Save Target As…” (Internet Explorer) or “Save Link As… (Firefox) or the link that is most like either of these Save the file to your floppy diskette Close Browser – you’re done with it More on next slide …

22 2/13/08Computers and Society, Class 622 Getting Lab Startup Files #3 You can now start the Tutorial When opening the file, do not use the location (folders) in the Tutorial, but instead use the location (path) that you save the file to. Similarly, when saving that or a changed file, save to that same location These directions are also on the Lab 5 sheet distributed in class

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