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GKIDS 2011-12 Mid-Administration Workshop Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "GKIDS 2011-12 Mid-Administration Workshop Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 GKIDS 2011-12 Mid-Administration Workshop Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills

2 2 GKIDS: Purpose Provides teachers with ongoing diagnostic information about kindergarten students’ developing skills in language arts, math, science, social studies, personal/social development, approaches to learning and motor skills. Provides a summary of individual student performance at the end of the kindergarten school year as an indicator of first grade readiness.

3 3 What is Assessed? GPS Content Areas ELA Math Social Studies (optional) Science (optional) Non-Academic Dimensions of Learning Personal/Social Development Approaches to Learning Motor Skills (optional)

4 4 Assessing the GPS using Performance Levels ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science standards will be assessed using 2-5 performance levels for each element. The number of performance levels was determined by the GKIDS Advisory Committee and is based on the range of student performance that can be observed for each element. Performance Levels – Not Yet Demonstrated – Emerging – Progressing – Meets the Standard – Exceeds the Standard

5 5 Format and Activity Options Activities Options Teacher may assess by observing student performance during the course of regular classroom instruction or by an assessment activity of the teacher’s choice.during the course of regular classroom instruction – Sample activities have been developed for each GPS standard by the advisory committee – Activities are included in the GKIDS Administration Manual

6 6 GKIDS Data Entry and Reporting Website

7 7 Data Entry and Reporting Website Web-based electronic data entry and reporting system available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Allows teachers to enter and manage data throughout the school year. Teacher can enter data by student or by element for the entire class. Teachers can generate student or class reports at any time during the year (on-screen and pdf options). – Instructional planning – Report cards, Progress Reports, and SST – Parent conferences

8 8 Login and Passwords All system coordinator, school coordinator and teacher information in the website from the 2010-11 school year will remain intact unless requested otherwise by systems. School Coordinators should assign login names and passwords to new teachers at the beginning of the school year. System Coordinators should assign login names and passwords to new school coordinators at the beginning of the school year. If you are a new system test coordinator, please contact GCA or DOE for assistance. Contact GCA if you have moved to a new school/system from last year.

9 9 System Test Coordinator Responsibilities Your main role is to manage user accounts for school test coordinators at each school in your system that has Kindergarten teachers. During the school year, you will be able to view system, school and class reports and search for reports on individual students. Login names and passwords from 2010-11 are still valid unless requested otherwise by systems. New system coordinators should contact GCA or DOE to receive a login and password. System Test Coordinators are responsible for making certain that schools in the system meet the reporting deadlines.

10 10 School Test Coordinator Responsibilities Your main role is to manage user accounts for the teachers at your school. Login names and passwords from 2010-11 are still valid unless requested otherwise by systems. During the school year, you will be able to view school and class reports and search for reports on individual students. Be prepared to answer questions for the school about navigating the GKIDS Data Entry and Reporting website. School Test Coordinators are responsible for making certain that teachers meet the reporting deadlines.

11 11 Teacher Responsibilities Add your students to the database. Enter student data in the required domains. – All English Language Arts elements – All Math elements – All Approaches to Learning elements – All Personal/Social Development elements. Remove students from your class list if they move to a new school. Generate student and class reports throughout the year as needed.

12 12 Manage Students

13 13 Adding New Students

14 14 Home Page

15 15 Entering Assessment Data

16 16

17 17 GKIDS Reporting Deadlines There was a mid-year checkpoint in January to ensure that teachers were recording information in a timely manner. Deadline for entering GKIDS Data for the 2011-12 school year: May 11, 2012. Data received after the deadline will not be included in Summary Reports. Student data will be entered at the GKIDS Data Entry Website: Required Domains: Language Arts, Math, Approaches to Learning, and Personal/Social Development. There are no scannable forms to fill out.

18 18 End-of-the-Year Reports Teachers are responsible for creating individual student reports from the GKIDS website to use as the end-of-the-year report. – Strand Level – Standard Level – Element Level Class, school, and system reports are also available on the GKIDS website. GCA will generate system and state summary reports.

19 19 Transition to CCGPS During the 2012 – 2013 school year, Georgia will be transitioning to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) in ELA in grades K – 12 and in Mathematics in grades K – 9. Students in these grades and subjects will receive instruction on CCGPS in ELA and Mathematics.

20 CCGPS Timeline 2012 - 2013 Georgia adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). – The melding of the CCSS and the GPS results in the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). – Content standards for ELA and Mathematics are CCGPS. – Content standards for Science and Social Studies remain GPS. January-May 2012: Grade-by-Grade Teacher Professional Learning 2012-2013: Classroom Implementation of CCGPS in K – 12 ELA and K – 9 Mathematics 20

21 GKIDS & CCGPS in ELA & Mathematics Given that our testing programs should mirror and align to the CCGPS... When GKIDS opens for use with students in fall 2012, teachers will find the GKIDS web-based application revised in the areas of ELA and Mathematics. The standards to be assessed will derive from the CCGPS in ELA and Mathematics. The GKIDS manual & guide will be revised where applicable. Reports will be revised to reflect these changes in ELA and Mathematics.

22 GKIDS & CCGPS in ELA & Mathematics Science and Social Studies remain based on GPS – No changes to GKIDS will result in these areas. Approaches to Learning, Personal/Social Development, and Motor Skills remain unchanged. The functionality and structure of the GKIDS web application will not change. The Performance Level categories remain unchanged. Not Yet Demonstrated Emerging Progressing Meets the Standard Exceeds the Standard

23 GKIDS & CCGPS in ELA & Mathematics System Test Coordinators will be notified in August 2012 when the GKIDS web-based application is available for use and when updated documents are posted to the GaDOE website.

24 24 GKIDS Contacts Bobbie Bable Georgia Department of Education Assessment and Accountability (404) 657-6168 Jeremy Granade & Candace Langford Georgia Center for Assessment (888) 392-8977,



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