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Juanita Hall, EdD Linda Boberg, MS International Student Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Juanita Hall, EdD Linda Boberg, MS International Student Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Juanita Hall, EdD Linda Boberg, MS International Student Services

2 Culture is the shared assumptions, values, and beliefs of a group of people which result in characteristic behaviors (Craig Storti, 1999) What we do and say are not arbitrary or spontaneous. Culture proscribes our:  Notions of politeness and appropriateness  Language  Foods, music, dance HOWEVER, people are individuals and therefore there is a great deal of diversity within cultures

3  Universal : ◦ We all eat ◦ We all want to be treated with respect  Cultural: ◦ What we prefer to eat ◦ What is considered respectful  Personal: ◦ How much we eat ◦ Choosing to be respectful or not

4  Leaving school or work to attend the wedding of a distant cousin Centrality of the family---------Centrality of work  Agreeing to a suggestion you think is wrong Being direct---------------------Being indirect

5  Visiting offices in groups to solve a problem Individualistic------------------Collective  Not speaking in class Formal -------------------informal culture  Asking students to call you by your first name Deference to authority-----------Egalitarian

6  Accepting, without question, that something cannot be changed Fatalism----------------------Determinism  Exceptions to rules should be very rare, otherwise you open up the floodgates Particularist--------------------Universalist  Having no anxiety about arriving late to an appointment Monochronic-------------------Polychronic

7 Non–dominate hand exercise Empathy Patience

8 Example: Student: I have some questions Juanita: Okay, fire away Example: Student: So, Linda, what are you doing this weekend? Linda: I’m getting out of Dodge. Exercise: What’s your idiom?

9  Let your hair down  Show your true colors  Once in a blue moon  Under the weather  The bottom line  Throw in the towel  Strike while the iron is hot  Raining cats and dogs  Piece of cake  Two-faced  Sleep tight  Feather in your cap  With flying colors



12  Different strokes for different folks ◦ Different rules for international students How will you modify your communication to be understood by international students?

13 Thank you! ?

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