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High Integrity Ada in a UML and C world Peter Amey, Neil White Presented by Liping Cai.

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Presentation on theme: "High Integrity Ada in a UML and C world Peter Amey, Neil White Presented by Liping Cai."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Integrity Ada in a UML and C world Peter Amey, Neil White Presented by Liping Cai

2 Overview The disciplined use of UML and UML tools Validation of the Ada Model The auto-generation of semantically- equivalent c source code Deliverable and Traceability Conclusions

3 The Disciplined use of UML Define a Design Approach Use INFORMED to design (part of ) system Capture the design in UML, including component contracts (in the form of SPARK annotations); Use SPARK Ada semantics to get early validation of the (partial) system design Complete components, using SPARK Ada semantics to ensure contracts are met.

4 The Disciplined use of UML Define semantics An ambiguous design is worse than no design One-to-one mapping between the statics aspects of our UML model and SPARK Ada. Balance static and behavioral aspects. Extending UML with Stereotypes Sterotypes allow new UML elements to de defined. Tagged values are simple “name=value” pairs that can be added to any element to give extra information Constraints are semantic restrictions can clearly represented by a text expression.

5 The Disciplined use of UML Strenthening Contracts Extended UML model to include SPARK annotations and used these to tighten the specification of the operation contracts. Example

6 The Disciplined use of UML Tool Support and SPARK Ada Code Generation Since an unambiguous mapping set up between UML and SPARK Ada code, it is easy to generate a the SPARK Ada code from the UML model and generate a UML model from SPARK Ada Code. When generating code, generate code structure, not behavior. Physically enter the bodies of SPARK subprogram directly into UML model to keep everything in one place.

7 package Colour ADT is type RGB Value is range 0.. 500; type Colour is private; procedure Swap(A : in out Colour; B : in out Colour); --# derives A from B & B from A ; -- information flow contract -- Other operations here... private type Colour Components is ( Red, Green, Blue); type Colour is array (Colour Components) of RGB Value; end Colour ADT; package body Colour ADT is procedure Swap(A : in out Colour; B : in out Colour); is Temp : Colour; begin -- hand-written implementation Temp := A; A := B; B := Temp; end Swap; Other operations here... end Colour ADT;

8 Validation of the Ada Model Static Analysis The program is well-formed The program actually is a correct implementation of its specification Steps The custom templates produce a skeletal framework for the design expressed in UML. This framework is ensured to be syntactically legal SPARK. The generated packages and subprogram specifications are annotated with a chosen level of SPARK annotations obtained from information embedded in the UML model. Use SPARK examiner repeatedly to check it against the embedded annotation.

9 Validation of the Ada Model Formal Verification Provide formal pre and post-condition predicates for the operations contained in UML and use the proof capabilities of the examiner to show that the UML specification and intermediate SPARK Ada model correspond. Dynamic testing Host-based testing: Direct compilation of th eSPARK model with an Ada compiler Target-based testing: generating C, compiling and testing it.

10 Generating C Involves more than just translating Ada statements to C. Need to add run-time checks and exception raising Need to consider evaluation order dependencies and parameter passing dependencies A form of a Ada compiler: AdaMagic compiler Translation is very transparent and traceable Generated code meets standards


12 Generating C The flat name space requires that the SPARK Ada package name is used as a prefix; All types are equally visible, because C has no concept of a private type; The constrained type RGB Value is now an unsigned short; The array index type is an enumeration in the Ada, but needs to be converted to a natural here; The exported parameters are passed as pointers; The array assignments in the body of Swap have become lower level memory moves, because C doesn’t support whole-array assignment.

13 Deliverables and Traceability A UML model; An intermediate SPARK Ada model with evidence that it is well- formed and free from run-time errors. Proof-based evidence that the SPARK implements the required behaviour. Host testing results; Target-based test results; Object code verification based on tracing the SPARK to the C and the C to the object code; “Linear” documentation generated from the UML model. Deliverable C source code which is easily traceable to the intermediate SPARK model.

14 Conclusion It is possible to reconcile diverse expectations. The crucial and novel elments: The use of Ada as an exact intermediate representation between UML and C. The recognition that it is much easier to generate “safe” and accurate C from a semantically exact and error-free SPARK model than it is to write C and then demonstrate that it has the necessary properties of safety and accuracy. Ada can be seen as a compliable design language rather than just a plain and simple programming language.

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