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Background and the importance of the studyPurposes of the studyFramework of the studyResearch methodologyResults of the researchConclusion Outline of.

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2 Background and the importance of the studyPurposes of the studyFramework of the studyResearch methodologyResults of the researchConclusion Outline of the presentation

3 Background and the importance of the study A community philosopher is a wise person who has the wisdom arising from knowledge, skills and experience that can be utilized in a successful life. The community can also relay important philosophies and effectively link the past with the present. The most important aspect are the intellectual treasures of the earth. At Nakhon Ratchasima it is important to maintain the widespread intellectual and cultural heritage. Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University is an important educational institution within the province. The USR represents a means of supporting the development and university social responsibility.

4 Background and the importance of the study A knowledge management system is a key aspect of an intellectual community. It aims to bring together important and valuable knowledge which it can use to continue to be useful to people of the next generation. philosophers + university KMS in community of philosophers philosophers + university KMS in community of philosophers

5 Background and the importance of the study The current system of higher education in Thailand is of great importance to society, because society expects results from higher education institutions. This encourages the staff in these institutions to engage in any activities that will benefit society. Finally, the essence of the development of a KMS in this community is the collection of knowledge and wisdom to allow it use in the future.

6 Purposes of the study 1. To analyze and synthesize a conceptual framework for a KMS with regard to community philosophers to promote university social responsibility. 2. To design a knowledge management system of community philosophers to promote university social responsibility.

7 Framework of the study Development of Knowledge Management System of Community Philosophers to Promote University Social Responsibility Management System University Social Responsibility University Strategy Plan Knowledge Management

8 Research methodology Phase 1: analysis and synthesis of knowledge relating to the work of community philosophers knowledge utilization of the experience of community philosophers an analysis of knowledge utilization and the process of bringing awareness to the community an analysis of the theory of database designthe study, analysis and synthesis of approaches to enhancing a KMSan analysis of the concept of university social responsibility

9 Research methodology Phase 2: the design of a conceptual framework, model and mind map relating to a KMS of community philosophers to promote university social responsibility based on Phase 1 Phase 2: the design of a conceptual framework, model and mind map relating to a KMS of community philosophers to promote university social responsibility based on Phase 1

10 Results of the research Knowledge Management - Tacit Knowledge - Explicit Knowledge Knowledge Management - Tacit Knowledge - Explicit Knowledge Knowledge Management Process - Knowledge Identification - Knowledge Creation and Acquisition - Knowledge Organization - Knowledge Codification and Refinement - Knowledge Access - Knowledge Sharing - Learning Knowledge Management Process - Knowledge Identification - Knowledge Creation and Acquisition - Knowledge Organization - Knowledge Codification and Refinement - Knowledge Access - Knowledge Sharing - Learning Community Philosophers - Culture - Local Food - Tourist Attraction Community Philosophers - Culture - Local Food - Tourist Attraction University Social Responsibility - University Social Responsibility - University Strategy Plan University Social Responsibility - University Social Responsibility - University Strategy Plan Knowledge Management System of Community Philosophers to Promote University Social Responsibility

11 Knowledge Management - Tacit Knowledge - Explicit Knowledge Knowledge Management - Tacit Knowledge - Explicit Knowledge tacit knowledge such as wisdom, experience, overcoming obstacles, problem solving, the use of success tips from community philosophers. Each is a unique technique such as singing Korat explicit knowledge from theory. This relates to the knowledge that exists in textbooks

12 Knowledge Management Process - Knowledge Identification - Knowledge Creation and Acquisition - Knowledge Organization - Knowledge Codification and Refinement - Knowledge Access - Knowledge Sharing - Learning Knowledge Management Process - Knowledge Identification - Knowledge Creation and Acquisition - Knowledge Organization - Knowledge Codification and Refinement - Knowledge Access - Knowledge Sharing - Learning The need is knowledge that is beneficial to society. Relates to the need to know the system. As a result, users can find and put such knowledge to practical use. This involves getting to know the system in a format and language that is easily understood. Can be used to find ways of extracting knowledge from various sources and content to suit the needs of the user. There is the need for a knowledge base or for exchanges that allow the user to learn. And distribute knowledge for others to use where possible. This is the most important objective in terms of the management of knowledge.

13 Cultural philosophers such as those involved in singing the Korat Local food such as Kanom Jeen Ban Pradok, Fried Mee Korat Community Philosophers - Culture - Local Food - Tourist Attraction Community Philosophers - Culture - Local Food - Tourist Attraction Tourist attractions such as the KhaoYai National Park

14 University Social Responsibility is the responsibility of universities towards society. To show social responsibility is a concrete example of Art and Culture such as a system database that stores knowledge to educate and preserve the local culture University Strategy Plan that documents the creation of educational opportunities for local development and strengthens the community University Social Responsibility - University Social Responsibility - University Strategy Plan University Social Responsibility - University Social Responsibility - University Strategy Plan

15 KMS to Promote USR KMSUSR Identities of University University strategy InputOutput User Knowledge Community Philosopher Administrato r Staff Administrato r Personnel Guest Culture Local Food Tourist Attraction Community Philosopher Type Detail MS KM Data and Method Obstacles Solving Success Tips

16 Conclusion The aim is to collect and disseminate the knowledge and wisdom of the community philosophers in order to act as partners to the community and to benefit future generations. A critical component of the system is to capture methods and store an assortment of knowledge, and to apply the search for knowledge and education. This is because the purpose of KMS was to let many users collaborate in the creation and sharing of information within a large shared hypertext.

17 Conclusion The results of the design consists of important elements is a knowledge approach to enhance a knowledge management system, for community philosophers, the knowledge transfer and knowledge utilization on the part of community philosophers, and university social responsibility. Moreover, the tools for supporting such a knowledge management system are as follows: an information retrieval use access database for application purposes. a data-based management system. a user management system. the development of a sustainable community.


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