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Commonly Abused Drugs OBJECTIVES WARM-UP
Compare the effects of depressants, stimulants & hallucinogens on the body. Name three classes of drugs of increasing concern in recent years. In the last 25 years, abuse of prescription pain relievers has increased by 500%. What factors do you think are responsible for the increase in prescription drug abuse?
Commonly Abused Drugs Depressants
Psychoactive drugs that slow brain & body reactions Slow body functions by decreasing heart and breathing rates & lowering blood pressure. Categories of Depressants: Barbiturates CNS Depressants Opiates Alcohol
Commonly Abused Drugs Depressants
Barbiturates CNS Depressants Sedative that slows the activity of the central nervous system Actions: Slow nerve activity Relax muscle tension Lower alertness Cause drowsiness Side Effects Blurred vision Dizziness Slurred Speech Headache Skin rash Long Term Effects: Blood & Liver Disease Also called sedative-hypnotics Small doses: sedative Large doses: hypnotics Side Effects Poor Coordination Slurred speech Decreased alertness Long-Term Effects Sleepiness Irritability Confusion A sedative is something that relaxes a person. A hypnotic is something that induces sleep. Barbiturates are rarely prescribed because they are considered dangerous & highly addictive. Abusers become tolerant quickly, which increases dependence. Barbiturate users walk slowly, slur their speech, and react more slowly to their environment. CNS depressants have replaced barbiturates for medical use. CNS depressants are used to treat anxiety, sleep disorders, muscle spasms and convulsions.
Commonly Abused Drugs Depressants
Opiates Drug made from psychoactive compounds contained in the seed pods of poppy plants Small Doses: dull senses, relieve pain, cause sleep Common Opiates Heroin, Codeine, Morphine Side Effects Nausea, vomiting Decreased alertness Drowsiness Depressed respiration Long-Term Effects Constipation Blood-borne Diseases Codeine & morphine can produce tolerance & lead to dependence. A growing concern is the use of opiate-containing pain killers or cough syrups for a “high”. This usually involves taking larger dose than is recommended. This can lead to dangerous & life-threatening effects. Heroin is illegally made from morphine in a laboratory. Abusers of heroin appear dazed & disoriented. Heroin is highly addictive.
Commonly Abused Drugs Stimulants
Drug that speeds up activities of the CNS Increases heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate & alertness May be used to treat sleep disorders, ADD, ADHD Commonly Abused Stimulants Amphetamines Methamphetamine Cocaine Nicotine/Tobacco Smoke
Commonly Abused Drugs Stimulants
Amphetamines Prescription drugs sold as “Speed” or Uppers” Produces feelings of well-being and high energy Side Effects Restlessness Rapid speech Blurred vision Dizziness Long-Term Effects Hyperactivity Irritability Irregular heart rate Liver damage paranoia The effects of amphetamines wear off quickly, leaving the abuser feeling depressed. The “down” leads to taking another, resulting in drug dependance.
Commonly Abused Drugs Stimulants
Methamphetamines More powerful than amphetamines Called “Meth”, “crank”, “crystal” or “ice”. Made from OTC ingredients in illegal meth labs Side Effects Increased respiration Elevated body temperature Convulsions Stroke Long-Term Effects Psychotic behavior Memory loss Aggression Brain & heart damage Severe tooth & gum disease Methamphetamines initially produce a rush or “High”. After the rush wears off, user may become confused, shaky, anxious, irritable or violent. Meth users ultimately become paranoid and psychotic due to brain damage. Meth use also may cause strokes and/or deadly convulsions.
Commonly Abused Drugs Stimulants
Cocaine Powerful, short-acting stimulant May be sniffed, smoked, or injected Crack A concentrated, smokable form of cocaine Strongest form of cocaine Short, powerful effects occur within 8 seconds after smoking. Side Effects Sleep disorders Loss of appetite Increased blood pressure & heart rate Long-Term Effects Depression Paranoia Irritability Weight Loss Irregular Heart Beat Respiratory & Cardiovascular Failure Cocaine is highly addictive & abusers develop tolerance really quickly, causing them to need larger and larger amounts. When effects wear off, abusers experience depression, which can be severe. An overdose, which can be caused by even a small amount, may result in seizures, heart failure, or respiratory failure. An overdose can be fatal. Other long-term effects of cocaine are seizures and liver damage.
Commonly Abused Drugs Hallucinogens
Drug that distorts perception, thought, and mood Overload the brain with sensory information, causing a distorted sense of reality Have no medicinal use Produce frightening & unpredictable mood swings Abusers cannot tell what is real May experience memory loss & personality changes Tolerance develops quickly Hallucinogens can cause abusers to be unable to perform normal activities, or lose track of time and their surroundings. Types of hallucinogens include LSD, Psilocybin, and PCP.
Commonly Abused Drugs Hallucinogens
LSD Psilocybin Also called “acid” Effects unpredictable—can either stimulate or depress CNS. Experience hallucinations & feel they have superhuman powers. Shortens attention span Causes “bad trips” & flashbacks Also called “shrooms” Chemical found in certain type of mushroom Mushrooms eaten raw or with other food Effects similar to LSD, but not as strong Psilocybin mushrooms resemble a deadly mushroom
Commonly Abused Drugs Hallucinogens
PCP Also known as “angel dust”—comes in white powder Originally used as an anesthetic or painkiller May smoke w/ tobacco or marijuana, inject, sniff, or eat Eliminates sensation of pain unintentional injury Abusers develop signs of schizophrenia Effects last long after drug use ends
Commonly Abused Drugs Club Drugs
First gained popularity at dance clubs & raves Now widely available Strength & effects highly unpredictable Drugs can be unknowingly placed in someone’s drink Examples Ecstasy (MDMA) Rohypnol GHB Ketamine
Commonly Abused Drugs Club Drugs
Ecstasy Rohypnol XTC, C, Adam, Clarity, Love Drug Combined stimulant & hallucinogen Side Effects Increased heart rate & BP Blurred vision Muscle tension Severe sweating & chills Nausea Increased body temp. Organ failure Roofies, rophies, forget-me pill CNS depressant Side Effects Decreased blood pressure Drowsiness Dizziness Confusion Memory Loss “Date Rape” drug Impairs user up to 12 hours Ecstasy often contains other substances that make them even more dangerous. Increased body temp. leads to organ failure Rohypnol is associated with date rape—victims don’t know they have consumed it & can’t remember what happened within the next 12 hours after consuming it, even though they were awake during that time.
Commonly Abused Drugs Club Drugs
GHB Ketamine Grievous bodily harm, G, liquid ecstasy CNS Depressant Side Effects Drowsiness Nausea Headache Loss of reflexes Associated with date rape High doses result in sleep, coma, or death K, Vitamin K, Cat valium Hallucinogen Side Effects hallucinations, Increased heart rate & BP Impaired motor function Memory loss Numbness Nausea High doses cause delirium & fatal respiratory problems GHB & ketamine works as date rape drug by impairing the victim’s ability to react. They are aware of what’s happening but their CNS is depressed to the point that they cannot control or initiate movement to stop it.
Commonly Abused Drugs Key Questions
Briefly describe the overall effects that depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens have on the body. What is an opiate? Give 3 examples. What is methamphetamine? List 3 long-term effects of methamphetamine use. Summarize the dangers of club drugs.
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