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Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System. Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System

2 Shape of Heart Male 310 g - female 225g Apex - blunt point Top - base 2/3 to the left Rest on diaphragm 5th & 6th rib

3 Size of things Infant 1/130 of total weight Adult 1/300 of total weight 4 ¾ long, 3 ½ wide, and 2 ½ deep


5 Valves


7 Blood pathway


9 Blood Vessels All Blood vessels –Smooth muscle –Elastic- collagen –3 layers Arteries Capillaries Veins

10 Arteries Carries blood away from heart Largest vessels Arterioles are smallest Precapillary sphincters –Regulate blood flow to capillaries

11 Capillaries Microscopic Over 1 billion Some organs have more and some avascular 3 types Transfer of –O2, CO2 & nutrients

12 Veins Carries blood to heart Smallest venules Get larger as they move blood to the heart Stretch to accomodate blood One-way valves

13 EKG or ECG Electrocardiography Measures the electrical activity of the heart. Shows contraction of the heart Speed


15 PQRST Wave


17 PQRST P wave –SA node (pace maker) starts stimulus and atria contract. QRS wave – moves to Purkinje fibers and contract the ventrical T- wave repolarizes- muscles go back to normal and expand back to shape

18 Nodes 1. SA node (Sinoatrial) – pace maker 2. AV node (Atrioventricular) base of Rt Atrium. 3 Purkinje fibers – go down the septum to apex then up the side of the ventricles.

19 Hole in Heart

20 Heart Structure Murmur (valves) –Rheumatic fever- Streptococcal infection Atherosclerosis Angina Pectoris Coronary bypass Pulmonary Edema (right side) Congestive heart failure (CHF) left side

21 Cardiomyopathy Abnormal large heart Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy –Death of young athletes

22 Blood Vessels Varicose Veins

23 Cardovascular Disorder Hypertension – high blood pressure 140/90 Heart beats –Heart block AV node is block –Brachycardia – slow below 60 –Tachycardia – fast over 100 –Sinus dysrhythmia- inhaling & exhaling

24 Disease of the Heart Fibrillation: Contraction in not rhythmic Septic shock – infectious agents releases toxins into blood

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