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Clk. Alexander L. Gonzales II December 14, 2010. SINUS RHYTHM  >60bpm and <100bpm  P-wave in front of QRS  QRS is narrow  Rhythm is regular.

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Presentation on theme: "Clk. Alexander L. Gonzales II December 14, 2010. SINUS RHYTHM  >60bpm and <100bpm  P-wave in front of QRS  QRS is narrow  Rhythm is regular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clk. Alexander L. Gonzales II December 14, 2010

2 SINUS RHYTHM  >60bpm and <100bpm  P-wave in front of QRS  QRS is narrow  Rhythm is regular


4 SINUS BRADYCARDIA  Slow heart beat (<60bpm)  Normal rhythm, but slow  P wave is present  QRS is narrow

5 SINUS PAUSE  SA node stops working  Pause in heart beat for 6-8s


7 ATRIAL PREMATURE CONTRACTION  QRS is normal  P-wave is present but looks different on the premature beat

8 AV NODAL PREMATURE CONTRACTION = JUNCTIONAL  No P-wave before premature beat b/c originates in AV node, not atria  QRS is normal

9 PREMATURE VENTRICULAR CONTRACTION  Every other beat is abnormal (ventricular bigemini)  One QRS complex and P-wave are normal  Next QRS is wide and T-wave is inverted (-)  repolarization is abnormal


11 SINUS TACHYCARDIA  >100bpm  Normal P-wave  Narrow QRS

12 ATRIAL TACHYCARDIA  P-wave is inverted (-)  2 P-waves per every QRS complex

13 AV NODAL REENTRANT TACHYCARDIA  No P-wave b/c it’s within QRS complex  QRS is narrow, looks normal but is faster  Regular rhythm

14 PREEXCITATION: WOLFE PARKINSON WHITE SYNDROME  Slurred upslope on QRS and wider complex  PR is shorter   -wave (pts. prone to SVTs)  Tachycardia pathway: AV node  accessory pathway  atrium (  - wave disappears, but will return once  HR)

15 SVT WITH SHORT RP (REFRACTORY PERIOD)  QRS is narrow  1:1 relationship b/w P- wave and QRS  Can see P-wave before QRS

16 ATRIAL FLUTTER  Regular and reproducible  QRS is narrow  See (-) complexes  Saw tooth pattern

17 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION  Disorganized rhythm  Pulse is irregularly irregular/irregular rhythm  QRS is narrow  No P-wave

18 VENTRICULAR TACHYARRHYTHMIA  Occur in bottom chambers  >3 PVC in a row  V-tach  Nonsustained  stops after a certain time period  No P-waves  Repolarization is abnormal  QRS complexes are wider  More QRS than P-waves

19 TORSADES DE POINTES  Long QT interval  QRS complexes are all over the place  look abnormal

20 VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION  Complete disorganization  No P-waves  No QRS complexes

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