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1 External financing for Health MDGs: overview from European civil society Simon Wright

2 Action for Global Health Growing network of international NGO offices in Brussels, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK Very diverse organisations but working together for common goals: funding, prioritising of health systems, equitable access Focus on quantity and quality of EU ODA for health.

3 Quantity of ODA Need to champion increases in health ODA at the same time as improving its effectiveness Targets assumed aid was real and untied Innovative financing sources must be additional.

4 Economic crisis and ODA Recession cannot be an excuse Nor can it mean business-as-usual Is the reason for urgent action to finally meet ODA targets. Some donors were already retreating from their commitments before the crisis. Still need to ensure “real aid”.

5 EU Guidelines for aid effectiveness Area 1: Division of labour Area 2: Use of country systems Area 3: Predictability of aid Area 4: Mutual accountability for results

6 AMR recommendations The economic crisis must be the reason to act urgently on meeting ODA commitments for health. Donor governments must go faster on improving quality of ODA. Innovative methods of financing health systems must be additional to ODA commitments Country ownership must involve citizens to reduce inequalities, ensure universal access and prioritise health Increased use of sectoral budget support should be considered EU MDG contracts should ensure aid orphans are supported The IHP+ must also be a vehicle for increasing health ODA to fund national plans.

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