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Observations of Water and other molecules in Protoplanetary Disk Atmospheres Colette Salyk UT Austin/McDonald Observatory Klaus Pontoppidan, Geoffrey Blake,

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Presentation on theme: "Observations of Water and other molecules in Protoplanetary Disk Atmospheres Colette Salyk UT Austin/McDonald Observatory Klaus Pontoppidan, Geoffrey Blake,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations of Water and other molecules in Protoplanetary Disk Atmospheres Colette Salyk UT Austin/McDonald Observatory Klaus Pontoppidan, Geoffrey Blake, Rowin Meijerink, Joan Najita, John Carr

2 Water vapor and organics detected in ‘typical’ circumstellar disks with Spitzer-IRS Spitzer IRS: Carr & Najita 2008; Salyk et al. 2008 T~500-1000 K

3 Ground-based follow-up confirms origin in planet- forming region of disk Salyk et al. 2008 Line profiles consistent with ~few AU emitting radii

4 What disk processes might water emission probe? Radial transport of water via diffusion (out) and icy- body migration (in) “snow line” e.g. Stevenson & Lunine 1988; Ciesla & Cuzzi 2006 vapor freezes out vapor diffuses outwards low vapor pressure high vapor pressure solids migrate inwards solids evaporate

5 What disk processes might water emission probe? Radial transport of water via diffusion (out) and icy- body migration (in) Water self-shielding Bethell & Bergin 2009

6 What disk processes might water emission probe? Radial transport of water via diffusion (out) and icy- body migration (in) Water self-shielding Radiative processes Condensation fronts and vertical transport Disk chemistry Small dust grain growth/settling Clearly a challenge to disentangle multiple effects

7 GO5 program: Water in Disks (PI: J. Carr) -52 class II disks in multiple star-forming regions -Designed to cover a range of stellar/disk parameters

8 GO5 program: Water in Disks (PI: J. Carr) -52 class II disks in multiple star-forming regions -Designed to cover a range of stellar/disk parameters -Subset of these disks + archived programs results in sample shown here

9 Sampled disks show significant variety

10 Pontoppidan et al., in prep

11 -Lines are actually spectrally uresolved line blends at the resolution of Spitzer-IRS -Lines probe a large range of excitation temperatures

12 Water vapor and organic emission is common around low-mass young stars Pontoppidan et al., in prep

13 Detection rates drop precipitously for SpT<G Pontoppidan et al., in prep

14 Transitional disks do not show emission

15 Emission of water correlates with CO emission

16 LTE models can be used to estimate density, T

17 But in general do a poor job of matching the data




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